"If We Descended From Apes, Then Why Are They Still Around?"


Well-Known Member
This is another surprisingly common misconception a lot of people have about human evolution. I hear people use it all the time.

"Ape" is a species classification, not a specific species. Humans are apes, gorillas are apes, chimpanzees are apes, all of these examples are known as the "great apes" or the family Hominidae, and they also include bonobos and orangutans. The "lesser apes", also known as the family Hylobatidae consists of 4 genera and 14 species of gibbon.


All of us, each of those ape species, descended from a common ancestor 4-8 million years ago. That is why each different species of ape exists today in its current form. We did not descend from modern apes.



Active Member
Id say the apes are still around because they were subject to different environments hence evolving differently.


Well-Known Member
I like the Sumerian belief that humankind is an alien x neandrethal hybrid. Does that make us an F1 cross? :smile:


New Member
I'm not even going to ask for a source for that one...
Source: Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities themselves.

You can easily access this information through the Akashic Records... Theres also tons of sites and documentaries/videos which show this, whether theyre proof enough is up to you to decide.

2012 is upon us. The New Age is coming.


Active Member
I have to agree with Fdd. We now have poodles and wolves are still around. It only makes sense.


Active Member

As Dawkins has pointed out it's like asking "If Americans are descended from Europeans then why are there still Europeans"?


Well-Known Member
First thing that went through my mind when I saw the title of this thread, "holy shit, can people really not think for themselves or use google?" Then I saw who the OP was.

Seriously, the people that ask this question probably hasn't even given it 5 seconds worth of thought. It starts with a misconception about evolution to begin with but I think maybe it has to compete for space in the brain with the memorization of biblical quotes so one can be used at any occasion.


Well-Known Member
First thing that went through my mind when I saw the title of this thread, "holy shit, can people really not think for themselves or use google?" Then I saw who the OP was.

Seriously, the people that ask this question probably hasn't even given it 5 seconds worth of thought. It starts with a misconception about evolution to begin with but I think maybe it has to compete for space in the brain with the memorization of biblical quotes so one can be used at any occasion.

lol take a guess who influenced it? ;)

What did you mean by that first bit? Just curious.
Everytime I hear some hiljack say " I didn't come from no ape" I tell them I'll give them 100 dollars if they can find me a direct quote from darwin that says that we evolved directly from apes. He said we share a huminid( common ancestor) with the family. Common sense would only dictate that if we did evolve from apes than there would be no apes left today. Evolution goes forwards not backwards. Over 90% dna can't be wrong. I apologize about the hiljack comment but I do the research myself on issues, as opposed to listen to some deejay or high school dropout that reads the tabloids for information.


Active Member
This is another surprisingly common misconception a lot of people have about human evolution. I hear people use it all the time.

"Ape" is a species classification, not a specific species. Humans are apes, gorillas are apes, chimpanzees are apes, all of these examples are known as the "great apes" or the family Hominidae, and they also include bonobos and orangutans. The "lesser apes", also known as the family Hylobatidae consists of 4 genera and 14 species of gibbon.


All of us, each of those ape species, descended from a common ancestor 4-8 million years ago. That is why each different species of ape exists today in its current form. We did not descend from modern apes.

So you mean to tell me evolution just stopped working? If you had a brain you would realize that this should still be going on. Just because it takes such a long time doesent mean we wouldent notice it. If you were right we would have half ass humans running through the jungle genius.


Active Member
"half ass humans running through the jungle genius" We call them Pygmy's they exist.