If Weed was 100% legal in the USA

Pot does not carry any of the health or addiction consequences of alcohol or tobacco or even caffeine, so I don't think it should be regulated like these things. It's best compared to various healthy foods, like olive oil... so regulate it like produce.

Kids would stop huffing paint, dealers would stop killing for their turf, cartels would lose most of their business, no one would get poisoned anymore by illegally high levels of pesticides... it would be a fine day.
if weed was 100% legal I would cut every single tree on my land (22 acres) tear up the ground and grow thousands of plants build a greenhouse for males and I would fill a hot tub with hash oil and produce the finest hand rubbed hash and make water hash in washing machines for all the left overs from the rubbings and an indoor op to supply my coffee shop
if weed were legal i would plant it in every swamp and gully and meadow until everyone and everything had enough..!

we could use it to build skyscrapers and to stop the oil crisis.. feed the starving and stop dumping plastic in the oceans..

there would be dancing in the streets across the world! :)
I think it should be legal like tomatoes, or rather more like tobacco, because I don't think 10 year olds need pot, then again I started smoking cigarettes when I was 13...no longer smoke now, but that is neither here nor there...there is just too much stigma, but as time goes on each generation perhaps gets a little closer...
here is a thing - before pot was legal - it was not the fun thing for kids to do at all - it was something that grandparents did for their cramps and poor old wooden teeth and such things. it was something that old people with wooden teeth would use to converse over political law at a coffee house in new england when this country was founded. young people always had tons of better things to do to enjoy themselves.

my point is that when pot prohibition happened - the number of smokers went through the roof - i think that prohibiting something gives it a mystique. a feel like it is a big deal - especially to a young person - and a feel like no one else can have it, it is valuable, other kids do it secretly, etc.. but remove the mystique and it is like a Bud Light or a pack of Camels. is that really going to attract the hip young kids of today? again - regulation will take access away from kids just like with liquor - we don't need beer hustlers selling to kids so we keep it under lock and key. end of story. :)

but, i would still plant it everywhere because the animals and specifically the birds need it! birds that don't get to eat their native cannabis seeds live shorter, less happy lives and don't sing as much. :(
here is a thing - before pot was legal - it was not the fun thing for kids to do at all - it was something that grandparents did for their cramps and poor old wooden teeth and such things. it was something that old people with wooden teeth would use to converse over political law at a coffee house in new england when this country was founded. young people always had tons of better things to do to enjoy themselves.

my point is that when pot prohibition happened - the number of smokers went through the roof - i think that prohibiting something gives it a mystique. a feel like it is a big deal - especially to a young person - and a feel like no one else can have it, it is valuable, other kids do it secretly, etc.. but remove the mystique and it is like a Bud Light or a pack of Camels. is that really going to attract the hip young kids of today? again - regulation will take access away from kids just like with liquor - we don't need beer hustlers selling to kids so we keep it under lock and key. end of story. :)

but, i would still plant it everywhere because the animals and specifically the birds need it! birds that don't get to eat their native cannabis seeds live shorter, less happy lives and don't sing as much. :(
While it has been shown that when legalized, populations decrease use, Cannabis was a legal tender in the US for over a hundred years! Hemp was everywhere. It was law that you HAD to grow Cannabis on your farm land. FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Cannabis was everywhere, until prohibition sent it underground. Now the US can't collect on the market. I think Uncle SAM might have a learning disorder...
Legalization is fought by government and by corporate American (like there is a difference). The plutocracy would stand to loose too much of their income stream. One example is prisons. The privatization of the prison system/industry (did you ever think that prisons would be an industry??) is big bucks. If you legalize, you would reduce the prison space needed, and that cuts corporate profits for companies like CCA. In Florida they are pushing to build even more prisons, even though they do not need the space. How many people are in jail/prison for pot related expenses. Tommy Chong pulled 18 months in a privately run federal prison facility for a freaking waterbong. My fellow tokers, to legalize is to take corporate profits and we certainly can't do that. God forbid that we no longer need some of the Big Pharma concoctions for pain. I toke for arthritis after almost dieing from the meds. They almost destroyed my stomach. I lost 50 lbs in 3 weeks thanks to NSAIDS. I'm all for legalization but in order to do that we have to de-incentivize our government. Being a congressperson or a senator should not have all of the cash flowing in to influence them. You want to fix things, put the congress and the senate on minimum wage. They would get their asses in gear then. That's just my opinion, I could be completely wrong. BNB
fuck that first time I smoked weed was 8 years old and we were smoking with a 5 year old it should be legal like tomatoes Imo
I think it should be legal like tomatoes, or rather more like tobacco, because I don't think 10 year olds need pot, then again I started smoking cigarettes when I was 13...no longer smoke now, but that is neither here nor there...there is just too much stigma, but as time goes on each generation perhaps gets a little closer...
I think it should be legal like tomatoes, or rather more like tobacco, because I don't think 10 year olds need pot, then again I started smoking cigarettes when I was 13...no longer smoke now, but that is neither here nor there...there is just too much stigma, but as time goes on each generation perhaps gets a little closer...

They may not need it, but it's better than them not having it. I remember back in high school, if someone couldn't score a bag of weed, they'd go huff paint instead. Damage control - as much as you would like to, you can't really control your kids. If they want to do drugs they will whether you like it or not.

Tobacco is actually illegal to grow without a license. Stupid IMO.
i think that you can grow small amounts of tabaccy - just no selling or growing large amounts..
here.. i confirm..
yes- internets say basically unlimited growing for your own personal consumption..
technically you could grow a field of opium poppies as long as you don't intend to extract drugs.. :)
and has all this harmed children in any way? nah..
my county was all worried about fencing and keeping plants away from kids - i have two major thoughts there - A. little kids don't give a rats ass about what grows out of the ground anywhere - and B. how is a grade school kid going to get high from stealing bits of wet ganja? do they have a drying rack where they can hang for weeks? NAH!
the county meeting was hilarious.. one woman said that the smell of her neighbors patch made her sick and now she has asthma so she cannot go outside.. and her neighbor up the hill now has bronchitis because the wind changed.. and how her sister is leaving california to get away from weed and moving to oregon... at which point everyone held in a laugh.. :)

so again - kids that want weed will probably get weed.. just like booze, cigs, a knife.. they always have and always will to some degree.. but, seriously - put it in a locked glass counter and watch all of the dealers give up..! and only a dealer would sell to a high school kid!
What most people don't know is that it would have a huge impact on the World if the USA legalizes marijuana in all states as your government pays other governments to destroy the fields of the farmers (mostly Nepal/maroco etc..) when this stops it will most likely swap over and a lot of other countries would legalize it too to be honest I can really see it being legal in a lot more countries in the next 10 years (hopefully by 2020 in Europe--> 1 month 420:weed:).You can really notice how the people here smoke more weed and get more tolerant against it in terms of they don't hate you for burning it...lets hope we can soon all smoke weed without being paranoid and live in fear...and I don't really get it its such a big industry why doesn't the government take part in it -.-
What's the big problem with sales? If it was 100% legal then big business would step in and grow on a massive scale and produce a consistent quality product very cheaply. It would become so available at such a low price, there would be no reason for people to grow and sell weed. Some might grow their own, but for personal only.

If sales were illegal, then it's not 100% legal is it? There would still be a demand that needed to be met because it wasn't readily available and the price would stay inflated. People would still be stealing other people's plants and criminals would still be selling it and making profit for their organizations. It doesn't make any sense, you can't have it both ways.
I freely admit I have not followed this thread!

I have read through and counted the replies.

So "Freedom" is not something we expect to have.

I freely admit I have not followed this thread!

I have read through and counted the replies.

So "Freedom" is not something we expect to have.

Because we DON'T HAVE COMPLETE FREEDOM NOW. Though we have lots of freedom, we are not completely free and are used to it. Though, we want it. Some are willing to go to extreme lengths to prove a point to try and get shit changed.
Marijuana should be legal,,,,the only reason it's not is the right people are not in office and the people have not been forceful enough....this is our government not the other way around....the sooner people come back to earth the sooner they will realize alot things...especially government corruption,,,look at what the koch brothers are doing,,,,,if they don't get put under some control they will ruin this country....in fact a ll the billionaires will ruin us..
Stealthweed they are taking part in it,,,they are putting the money in their pockets..they put the pot back on the street have it sold and everyone gets a cut....do you really think government is that honest??? Give me a break!!!
Well, why are we allowed to vote if we are not property owners (In the USA) ?

It wasn't always the case. Being a Woman or a non-white was just cause for a lot of political privilege.

What are we? We are not allowed a plant that grows in the sun. A plant mind you.. We are not talking equal shares in the future of humanity.

But about that Future : You are either a Cattle or a Rancher of the Cattle.

I'm an outlaw in the land where I was born. - Country Joe and da Fish