If Ya Stoned Pass da Time Doin' These


Well-Known Member
wat sound does ya hand make when ya swing it?
look up in the sky for a really long ass time.
watch da Dora the explorer (sum of yall might get a kick outta dis).
stare at a stove light for 20 mins (1 hr, 36 mins in stoner time).
listen ta alice in chainz, eminem or ODB backwardz.


Active Member
Like siting in a chair, sun glasses on and read some philosophy when baked.... peace, Love and Happiness


Active Member
i got a little 2 year old girl..so ive seen my share of dora and spongebob..im tellin ya..they WILL trip you out. lol
You guys should watch some old school Ren & Stimpy, those close up shots when you are high are trippy as fuck (they are pretty trippy even when you are sober, but when you are high, definitely)
i like to sit on my couch with a buddy and stair at the walls and his blank t.v thinking if we should do another round of zombies on black ops.


Well-Known Member
watching anything in hd on the science/disc/natgeo does it for me......watching idiot abroad on sci channel atm, pop it on if your lookin to laugh.