IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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Very informal stuff there from that link. Thank you AZ.

I did some number crunching. What I found out was that the Cree A19 and A21, sold from Homedepot.com, offer 9.5true-watts and 18true-watts respectively. They are priced at ~$10 and ~$20 respectively, depending on whether you get 2.7k or 5k. That comes out to ~$1.1 / per true-watt. That seems pretty decent when talking about Cree products.

I'm still stuck on the shell for the light. In your blog, you included a picture with the mentioned lights. They have shells or angled aluminum casing but I've had some issues with googling these. The best thing I could come up for this solution was http://www.ruralking.com/woods-brooder-light-10-5-shade-with-clamp-6ft-cord-0166.html - which isn't a bad deal except the width and angle of the shell itself. Ideally you want something that isn't too narrow but not too wide.

Any tips on this?
Another option is to make a "panel", not sure if that's appropriate for your planned use. I built a couple of these for about $35, if you're in the US it'll probably cost you $25-$30 and can hold up to 6 bulbs per "panel". Here's a link to an explanation of what I did and pics in the DIY thread. I originally built them for supplemental CFL's but now I mainly use LED bulbs or mix LED and CFL bulbs for heat, the supplemental lighting is a bonus.
They have shells or angled aluminum casing but I've had some issues with googling these.

I used HD brand (from Home Depot) 75w 5-1/2" clamp-on reflectors. Lowes sells Bayco brand which look identical. Walmart sells clamp-on reflectors but not sure if they have them in this smaller size.

I think it's better to use the 60w 9.5w A19 bulbs instead of the 100w 18w. More coverage.

Another option is to make a "panel",

Captainmorgan did something similar, making a UFO (<<link). Whenever I do top lighting I think I'll use the gooseneck flexible extensions. I'd prefer to position each light to the contour of the canopy, close as possible, direction.
Another option is to make a "panel", not sure if that's appropriate for your planned use. I built a couple of these for about $35, if you're in the US it'll probably cost you $25-$30 and can hold up to 6 bulbs per "panel". Here's a link

This is tempting. I may incorporate this information into my project. I'll let you know how it goes if I take that route. That board design looks decent :clap:

I used HD brand (from Home Depot) 75w 5-1/2" clamp-on reflectors. Lowes sells Bayco brand which look identical. Walmart sells clamp-on reflectors but not sure if they have them in this smaller size.

I think it's better to use the 60w 9.5w A19 bulbs instead of the 100w 18w. More coverage.

AZ - :hug:

I'm leaning towards the A21 models - both 5k and 2.7k. I considered the A19's because you could spread them across a larger perimeter thus allowing more coverage, as you stated, but less penetration due to less directed wattage and lumens. I figured 4x total bulbs ~ 72true-watts for ~ $82 for the lights is a solid deal. Throw in the extra stuff like the reflectors, I'm looking at an investment of around $125. At that price, I wonder if it would be better to just go with a T5 unit for the additional white lights or if the LEDs would hold up in the long run.

Thinking about it now, if I used the design plan from GroErr, I'd be more inclined to use the A19's in a cluster.
This is tempting. I may incorporate this information into my project. I'll let you know how it goes if I take that route. That board design looks decent :clap:

Thinking about it now, if I used the design plan from GroErr, I'd be more inclined to use the A19's in a cluster.
Here's an example of one I'm using right now in a 2x2 breeding tent. Needed my temps higher and reduced humidity when I moved the tent to the basement for this run. I run a 200w LED in there + I hung the DIY panel on an angle and close to the tops, initially put all CFL's in it, but too warm, so I took out 3 CFL's and replaced them with 3 LED bulbs, temps were then perfect. Running 270W in a 2x2x4' tent and that little panel so close to the tops, I inadvertently got a bunch more yield than the last seed run. Bonus ;)
I can now like on this forum! :hump:

GroErr, how many plants are included in that pic of yours? I see massive colas :o
That's 2 plants, one Pure Power Plant (left) and one Jack The Ripper. They went in at about 14" but wide/deep, I had them LST'd and FIM'd thinking I was going to flower them but ended up with too many plants, so I did a seed run instead. They stretched like crazy and filled the tent. This is the first time I've used this combo in the tent, with the yield I'm looking at, I'll be running this setup again in there. Crazy what adding some different spectrum can do. Those are 2700k CFL's and 4000k LED bulbs.
Would my best option since im needing to keep cost low and im wanting to switch to led would it be better to go buy a bunch of cree bulbs and put in my cabinet or buy a led panel like i was going to?i just want away from cfls my last 2 grows with cfls didnt give me good results and that was about 250 actual watts.
At that draw an LED panel would make more sense and give you nice yields, you wouldn't need as much draw with an efficient panel, an A51 RW-75 or RW-150 would blow away 250W of CFL.
Would my best option since im needing to keep cost low and im wanting to switch to led would it be better to go buy a bunch of cree bulbs and put in my cabinet or buy a led panel like i was going to?i just want away from cfls my last 2 grows with cfls didnt give me good results and that was about 250 actual watts.

You could try a bunch of bulbs and do sort of what like CaptainMorgan shows in his journal/thread (Link above on AZ's reply). Then again, he had so many periodical, oddball additions throughout the process that it's hard to know how many would suffice and how many would bring above average results for your situation.

That being said, you could also save up and try a manufactured LED unit as a main source of light (Such as a BlackStar) and add the Cree lights from Home Depot throughout the stages. I don't think the white lights by themselves would be your best option for the money that your paying but act as a supplementary bonus towards your plant's development, a must.
At that draw an LED panel would make more sense and give you nice yields, you wouldn't need as much draw with an efficient panel, an A51 RW-75 or RW-150 would blow away 250W of CFL.

I'd hope so. Never grew with CFLs. Just looks corny and non legit imo lol but people do it and make it work so there must be magic behind it :peace:
I'd hope so. Never grew with CFLs. Just looks corny and non legit imo lol but people do it and make it work so there must be magic behind it :peace:
I'd used them for seedlings and clones in the past, makes no sense now though, LED's are so much more efficient and cost is now reasonable.
GroErr, I couldn't help but notice you tried out a Sun System LEC or CMH 315W unit.

I just found out about them a few weeks ago and heard pretty decent things from a local hydroponics dealer. What's your take on the new (or old) technology?
The guy at my shop was pumping up the sunsystems lec 315w today saying it would be perfect for a 3x3 and had me extremely interested as well but I just picked up an Onyx bloom which should up and running soon along with 2 soft white (warm white?)2700k 60w a19's in each corner during flower, hung from 15' hemma cords i picked up at ikea.
GroErr that breeding tent is looking nice!
Would my best option since im needing to keep cost low and im wanting to switch to led would it be better to go buy a bunch of cree bulbs and put in my cabinet or buy a led panel like i was going to?i just want away from cfls my last 2 grows with cfls didnt give me good results and that was about 250 actual watts.

I wouldn't recommend swapping out your CFLs for Cree bulbs for a few reasons.

In a 2x2 space you'd need 9-11 bulbs. That's about $100. The energy savings isn't that great to justify the expense. For example, a 60w equiv warm CFL uses 14w. The Cree uses 9.5. $8 is a lot of money to save 4.5w.

If I were you, I'd replace 25% of your CFLs with LEDs. See how you like that, and then proceed with whether to go 100%, or replace the remainder with a traditional top-mount LED and use the Cree lightbulbs for side lighting. Get there incrementally. Since you apparently have the wiring for multiple bulbs, try a few and take the time to continue researching which direction after that.
Any of those seem like they would be worth the time?

It looks like your looking to jump onto the LED bandwagon soon and that's a good thing for all of us. It's almost the year 2015 and LED lighting for indoor growers has progressively gotten better over the years, with thousands of recorded grows using all different types of systems.

Here is a decent source for LED lighting units -> http://www.gothamhydroponics.com/

Not the most efficient LED's out there but for the cost, it's a good place to start for any beginner.
GroErr, I couldn't help but notice you tried out a Sun System LEC or CMH 315W unit.

I just found out about them a few weeks ago and heard pretty decent things from a local hydroponics dealer. What's your take on the new (or old) technology?
I'm loving it, this specific Philips Elite Agro bulb rocks for flowering, never seen anything like it. Great yield and shorter flowering time in the first run. I'm 3 weeks into the second run with a full 3x3 and it's going at the same pace as the first go, crazy flower growth/speed. Running that 3x3 thread in my sig, looking to see what this 315W can pull out, looking good so far :)
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