WTF is this shit^^^^...... seriously ???...........What is the deal with these long winded clarifications & justification posts when someone questions HGL's business ethics?
Why say " I put my HGL light up against ANY light on the market" when you haven't even finished this run yet and have used only two other crappy chinese led panels?? pretty aggressive marketing statement IMO.
Why after 15 months of NO free lights given out at Icmag has all-of-a-sudden HGL coming in ready to send panels after I posted about this issue in your thread here???
Are you vested in this company???? because it sure as fuck seems it!
Some say Hans panel can't flower for shit!! do I care? NO, because it's NOT my company
Some say that Inda-gro is an overpriced fluoro!! do i care? NO, because I don't work for them
I own both and know what they can do FOR ME............doesn't mean I go writing long posts for pages about how others are wrong about their opinions about them.
HGL knows this is the biggest forum for led growing on the net(most viewed easily), and sticking in a great grow may change some minds and create better business; as most know now that their nothing but rebranded chinese panels at a huge mark up. You also bringing up having "tacoing leaves" issue with an led is rather interesting=== because that's a big problem with hid/cfl/induction bulbs proximity in the summer, rarely, if ever under led've shown TWO pics(first post) of your HGL led panel in your entire thread so far.......hmmm
Not calling you out completely...... some pics of the panel(s) orientation over your garden please.
Alright back to the world safe RIU