If you could smoke with anyone...

Wow, thats a tough one.

I'm torn between Jim Carey, and Maney (the nature guy) Remember Maney, Mark, and Meagan on Animal Planet? Hmmm.
I got a good one, Bear grylls..damn the stories he would tell, just watching the show is awsome:mrgreen:..sorry for the double post
Hitler as well! Ghandi, Socrates, Plato... all the ancient philosophers... my my how amazing that would be.

The philosophers would be a trip. What about the mathematicians and astronomers of the day. A lot of the texts that the ancients wrote were lost. Apparently, according to Carl Sagan, as much as 95% of what was written down in Pythagoras' day has been lost.

...or choof a few billies with Leonardo Da Vinci and then watch as he explains how his parachute works, or the helicopter...
Bill Nye the motha fuckin science guy....oh and Jimmy Page,Robert Plant John Bonum, and John Paul Jones....and watch The Song Remains The Same.
I would like to smoke with Nelson Mandala,Ghandi, and Confucius and get in great conversations with them.