If you could witness any tragedy from the victims perspective, but survive...


Well-Known Member
... which would you choose?

I think for me it would be a toss up between being on one of the jets that hit one of the twin towers or standing inside the building seeing the jet impact. That would be intense! And what's even crazier is there are actually people who DID experience it! Some poor bastard was working on the 87th floor and looked out his window right before the plane struck! Damn..

(this only goes for humans, don't pick the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs... lol)

SHIT! Actually, I'd be riding the Challenger or the Columbia! I've read reports and seen a few documentaries about what happened down to the second and the story is insane!


Well-Known Member
Both of those would be crazy... those and be in hiroshima or nagasaki when the bomb was dropped. Stay high.


Well-Known Member
What about the Buddist monk that sat down in the street and Lit himself on fire to protest the vietnam war. But I'd rather be Davie Crockett during his last stand at the alamo?


Well-Known Member
Both of those would be crazy... those and be in hiroshima or nagasaki when the bomb was dropped. Stay high.

Oh yeah, that's a good answer!

Or be on top of the Murrah Building during the OK City bombing!

Standing right on the edge of Mt. Saint Hellens! lmao!


Well-Known Member
Waco , the Koresh cult survivors or a survivor from the Jeferrey Dommer (nomer) attacks.Either of those would be a pretty fucked up thing to survive through.


Well-Known Member
The passing of the 1937 Stamp Act - actually me gunning down a bunch of dumbasses right before the passing of the 1937 Stamp Act.


Active Member
I would like to be Oppenheimer at the Trinity tests, not really a tragity but you might be able to stretch it. if not that being about 2 miles out at impact in japan would have been an insane experience at the time.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I witnessed a very bad fatality accident (the car rolled 4 times). It was a road rage accident. The man was tried for murder. The wife of the man who died is paralyzed.

I witnessed the passing of my mother.

Death is not something to make light of.