"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

You don't know very much. You are more than 130 years behind in understanding. Let me at least get you up to 1896.

Greenhouse Speculations: Arrhenius and Chamberlin

The next major scientist to consider the Earth's temperature was another man with broad interests, Svante Arrhenius in Stockholm. He too was attracted by the great riddle of the prehistoric ice ages, and he saw CO2 as the key. Why focus on that rare gas rather than water vapor, which was far more abundant? Because the level of water vapor in the atmosphere fluctuated daily, whereas the level of CO2 was set over a geological timescale by emissions from volcanoes. If the emissions changed, the alteration in the CO2 greenhouse effect would only slightly change the global temperature—but that would almost instantly change the average amount of water vapor in the air, which would bring further change through its own greenhouse effect. Thus the level of CO2 acted as a regulator of water vapor, and ultimately determined the planet’s long-term equilibrium temperature.

CO2 levels rising follow temp spikes, not the other way around. Got your umbrella out?
400ppm CO2 is very important because Al Gore said its "symbolic" and "a sad milestone. A call to action."

Other than his big mouth that its really no cause for alarm, like say a US submarine CO2 alarm that rings out at 8000ppm. Even Ice Data shows cool periods much colder than anything in anyone's lifetime with recorded CO2 levels up to 8000ppm.

Since the industrial revolution plant growth is up 12% and tree growth is up 18%. This is wonderful news for the environment.
The increased CO2 has helped feed millions of starving people.
400ppm CO2 is very important because Al Gore said its "symbolic" and "a sad milestone. A call to action."

Other than his big mouth that its really no cause for alarm, like say a US submarine CO2 alarm that rings out at 8000ppm. Even Ice Data shows cool periods much colder than anything in anyone's lifetime with recorded CO2 levels up to 8000ppm.

Since the industrial revolution plant growth is up 12% and tree growth is up 18%. This is wonderful news for the environment.
The increased CO2 has helped feed millions of starving people.

OK, little red riding hood
Do you believe in outer space aliens, too?
OK, you have put it out there. CO2 rises due to temperature. Care to post a link to this masterly piece of work?

The orbital cycle triggers the initial warming. Warmer ocean releases more CO2 then Ice melts. You take from that that CO2 is the driver. That's your theory?
The orbital cycle triggers the initial warming. Warmer ocean releases more CO2 then Ice melts. You take from that that CO2 is the driver. That's your theory?
It is true that CO2 is released in several ways when temperatures rise. What I don't see in your reply is a reason for the recent temperature rise over time independent of normal earth orbital cycles.

Am I reading something you just made up or are you quoting something that I can read and understand.
It is true that CO2 is released in several ways when temperatures rise. What I don't see in your reply is a reason for the recent temperature rise over time independent of normal earth orbital cycles.

Am I reading something you just made up or are you quoting something that I can read and understand.

Are you asking how many drivers there are and what their lag is?
Sun activity for example, is independent of Earth orbital cycles.
Are you asking how many drivers there are and what their lag is?
Sun activity for example, is independent of Earth orbital cycles.
Show your numbers to justify your theory or post a link.

The theory you put forth is that all the rising CO2 in the atmosphere is due to earth warming. So, what is causing global temperature rise and how can you justify the rise in CO2 over the past hundred or so years. Where is it coming from? Not fossil fuels?
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Must be the orbital cycle. Those just started happening about a hundred years ago.

well, whatever it was, it had nothing to do with human activities that took millions and millions of years worth of sequestered CO2 out of the ground, and then putting it back into the atmosphere over the course of a century.

there is no evidence to bear that out, at all.

something just happened with the sun all of a sudden. or the chinese invented it as a hoax.
400ppm CO2 is very important because Al Gore said its "symbolic" and "a sad milestone. A call to action."

Other than his big mouth that its really no cause for alarm, like say a US submarine CO2 alarm that rings out at 8000ppm. Even Ice Data shows cool periods much colder than anything in anyone's lifetime with recorded CO2 levels up to 8000ppm.

Since the industrial revolution plant growth is up 12% and tree growth is up 18%. This is wonderful news for the environment.
The increased CO2 has helped feed millions of starving people.

Rising sea levels have killed and displaced millions already and will continue to kill more. Global warming has tipped the balance and most glaciers around the world are melting. The one atop Mt Kilimanjaro is already gone.
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