"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

you know, i here people say animal ag, other industries..., cars. course i'm in california and hang around smart people but i here activists all over talking about all three. i think it's the companies that sell to the consumers that need to change their product and or sourcing and practices. if i waste water on a long shower during a drought am i the problem or is it the industries that waste 1000s of gals a day and the climate causing the problem? this works for cars and more., if i can only afford to spend 20 gs or less on a car i can't get a prius and if i want a nice car with eco mileage for any price i don't have many choices. it is my opinion that people generally shouldn't have to change their whole life to avoid being used by destructive companies. wasn't shit wrong with eating meat when it wasn't a largely damaging industry .. unless you have a problem killing something with emotions but people are so carnivorous it's macabre.

yeah i feel you. i just think 1 outa 5 unwoke are wakable and the slavers might be technically man, we are too.


It even gets tougher than that; buying a new car is a very environmentally destructive thing to do, even if it's super Eco friendly to drive. Think about all the drilling for oil to make into plastics for it, the ore that must be dug, refined and milled into sheet metal, etc.

This is why I've never bought a new car, and no matter how rich I get I'm not sure I ever will.
It even gets tougher than that; buying a new car is a very environmentally destructive thing to do, even if it's super Eco friendly to drive. Think about all the drilling for oil to make into plastics for it, the ore that must be dug, refined and milled into sheet metal, etc.

This is why I've never bought a new car, and no matter how rich I get I'm not sure I ever will.
i have had all used cars. been talking to a guy in advertising who mentioned that cars are sold as consumer goods ,not even durable goods. we think this could change with the whim of the industry and mostly how cars are marketed. i suggested making the automobiles durable goods in design and marketing and selling new exteriors as consumer goods.
I personally just want to leave a nice planet to the next generation, I'm so selfish...

And JW's just want to send you to heaven. It's good that you recognize the selfishness of self righteousness hoisted on others that don't share your beliefs. Perhaps those that deny your views should have something done to them or made to conform somehow.......
And JW's just want to send you to heaven. It's good that you recognize the selfishness of self righteousness hoisted on others that don't share your beliefs. Perhaps those that deny your views should have something done to them or made to conform somehow.......
Science doesn't give a fuck what you "think", science is based on observations of objective reality, I support science.

My views aren't complicated in that regard whatsoever.
It even gets tougher than that; buying a new car is a very environmentally destructive thing to do, even if it's super Eco friendly to drive. Think about all the drilling for oil to make into plastics for it, the ore that must be dug, refined and milled into sheet metal, etc.

This is why I've never bought a new car, and no matter how rich I get I'm not sure I ever will.

Get a used, single cylinder motorcycle. Like a supermoto or the venerable KLR650.
It even gets tougher than that; buying a new car is a very environmentally destructive thing to do, even if it's super Eco friendly to drive. Think about all the drilling for oil to make into plastics for it, the ore that must be dug, refined and milled into sheet metal, etc.

This is why I've never bought a new car, and no matter how rich I get I'm not sure I ever will.

I drive a 1980 Ford Fiesta with 469,000 miles and do all my own maintenance and repair.
I drive a 1980 Ford Fiesta with 469,000 miles and do all my own maintenance and repair.
i like 80's and 90's cars because i know how to work on them and some like the small blazer or jimmy are favorites . but i try to keep newer for the better mileage. cars could have been 40 mpg easy in the early 90s but for auto industry politics.
Even if your daily driver is a '67 Vette with a wild cam in a big block, it's still far less damaging to the environment than buying a new car.

'65 is actually my favorite year for Corvettes :wink:

I was into old Mazda rotary-engined cars before I got into the Fiestas (I have 3 Fiestas)
I sold my '72 RX3 coupe to the director of R&D for Mazda
'65 is actually my favorite year for Corvettes :wink:

I was into old Mazda rotary-engined cars before I got into the Fiestas (I have 3 Fiestas)
I sold my '72 RX3 coupe to the director of R&D for Mazda
Keeping the old ones on the road is not only a labor of love but a huge boon to the environment.

All the marketing to the contrary is just that; propaganda.
Keeping the old ones on the road is not only a labor of love but a huge boon to the environment.

All the marketing to the contrary is just that; propaganda.
That's total bullshit.

Newer cars are vastly more efficient and produce less emissions.

Sure, keeping old cars is cool and saves you money but come on, don't try claim it's environmentally friendly.
Mining, plastics, built in obsolescence and inability to easily swap parts = pollution & profits.
That was the attraction of older cars to begin with; the ability to easily repair them was a design priority. Now it isn't. What changed, besides the ability of corporate greed to ruin everything it touches?
That was the attraction of older cars to begin with; the ability to easily repair them was a design priority. Now it isn't. What changed, besides the ability of corporate greed to ruin everything it touches?

Let the snowflake tears rain down...

Go on, tell me again how a pre-1990 Ford Fiesta is more environmentally friendly than a Tesla Model S.