Well-Known Member
By what metric?In many ways for many people, things have gotten better.

Do you suffer from the same delusion the Clinton campaign tried to push during the election? If you think "America is already great", you probably haven't done much looking around these past 8 years or taken in an honest representation of the crumbling state of the union under the leadership of Obama and the Democratic establishment. Hey, it was certainly GREAT for billionaires and elites during Obama's administration, but how did the poor and middle-class fare? $30,000/year for more than 50% of the country?
Not much of an accomplishment..
Right, so why would more moderates who follow the corporate status quo be the answer? They follow the same economic model Republicans follow because they are financed by the exact same industries Republicans are. The financiers fund both sides to ensure whichever side wins, they are taken care of. This is why corporatist Democrats are just as much an enemy to progress as Republicans, they fight for the same things in congress; See Cory Booker's recent vote to keep drug prices high, see the handful of "Democrats" votes to confirm Rick Perry and Ben Carson, check their campaign finance contributions.. They don't even hide the shit at this point since they don't have to since corruption has been legalized by the Citizens United decision.Over a 60 year period. Things are better from the perspective of social issues but not in terms of prosperity.
If you think "things are better", you haven't been paying attention for the past 3 decades, at least.
Then you're either not looking, blind, or blinded by confirmation bias. I suspect option C in your case;You say that going more progressive would accomplish this. I don't understand this way of thinking. I don't see evidence that it is true.
Majority in U.S. Support Idea of Fed-Funded Healthcare System
New Pew Poll Confirms Americans Ready to End War on Drugs
Majority of Americans Want College to Be Free
Most Americans for Raising Minimum Wage
More than 8 in 10 voters (83%) support tougher rules and enforcement for Wall Street financial companies, while just 9% believe financial companies have changed their practices and don’t need further regulation
The platform to win is obvious and quite clear. The problem is that establishment Democrats have decided they would rather lose to Republicans then let actual progressives win elections because they know that if actual progressives win, they will eliminate the channels of corruption that allow them [establishment Democrats] to thrive. Since Republicans are just as corrupt, if not more so than establishment Democrats, they're [establishment Democrats] willing to let them [establishment Republicans] win because they know they won't threaten their ability to remain corrupt for future elections. That's why establishment shills like Schumer and Pelosi are so goddamn weak when it comes to actually addressing despicable policy.
it is one issue that Democrats own outright.]
I'm sure you and Perez would love to believe that!
This; campaign finance and corporate funding of political elections, is the MOST important issue the DNC and the Democratic party currently faces. If you don't recognize that, you don't understand politics. The schism between the progressive wing of the Democratic party and the establishment wing will destroy the party completely unless moderates, like you and Buck, cede control. If you don't, I'm absolutely willing to tear it down because I don't believe such a corrupt organization deserves to exist. Call me petty or selfish or (use your imagination, I don't really care), you are wrong, you had your chance to run a moderate candidate and she lost her ass in embarrassing fashion. You don't get a second chance. Shut your mouth, fall in line and watch how it's done, or simply go fuck yourself. I, along with millions of other actual progressives are done with your ass.But it is not as important as bread and butter issues like wage stagnation and jobs.
Get on board or go under, fuck if I care.