Well-Known Member
Well don't keep me in suspense, where is it?
in your meth pipe.
Well don't keep me in suspense, where is it?
UncleBucky, its speed, and you snort it not smoke it ,and I haven't had any for 20 yearsin your meth pipe.
UncleBucky, its speed, and you snort it not smoke it ,and I haven't had any for 20 years
I knew the cooksticking to overdoses of mexican ephedra?
:was a testerI knew the cook
That's heartbreaking, thank fuck they have found a lot more coral reefs than isn't it, all over the bloody place, not far from home, might go and devour all the fish, before the climate monster gets them
The reef is dead, long live the reef
NBC is owned by General Electric, who is blacklisting news stories about the plume of contamination to 'reduce public hysteria.' Of course, little mention is made of the fact that GE builds nuclear power plants and is currently pushing plans to build more.some more woo woo i suppose..
how are you drunk?That's heartbreaking, thank fuck they have found a lot more coral reefs than isn't it, all over the bloody place, not far from home, might go and devour all the fish, before the climate monster gets them
Just missed thank fuck, stuff nuclear, build more coal fired power stations, and save the fish
some more woo woo i suppose..
So temps are rising at record rates.
We are barely doing anything to counter it.
How soon before we all die?
Surely there is a "scientist" somewhere who can tell us.
They are trying!! Listen.......
But we have adopted a new strategy:
They're holding an amnesty book burning at the police/fire this weekend..bring all your books and receive salvation and amnesty until there is a search warrant for your house!
It could happen...
Clownshoes, that's a breeder reactor designed in the 80's.
By all means, keep showing your stupid and bias simultaneously.
The only source for "waste than only lasts a few hundred years" is a link to an opinion piece by Jim Hansen, you know the climate alarmist who gave deniers so much ammo against the Climate Change movement with his bullshit?
http://oilprice.com/Alternative-Ene...tdown-Proof-Nuclear-Waste-Eating-Reactor.htmlHere is the comparison that should light up the hearts of the antinuclear crowd. A conventional 1,000-megawatt reactor produces about 20 metric tons (44,000 lbs.) of high-level waste a year, and that material needs to be safely stored for 100,000 years. The 500-megawatt Transatomic reactor will produce only four kilograms (8.8 lbs.) of such waste a year, along with 250 kilograms (550 lbs.) of waste that has to be stored for a few hundred years.
http://liquidfluoridethoriumreactor...logy-could-change-the-face-of-nuclear-energy/Use molten uranium in a molten salt coolant, and fission byproducts are easily removed; over 99% of the fuel is fissioned.
83% of the fission byproducts are safe in 10 years; 17% safe in 350 years; a fraction have long half-lives, but would remain in the reactor until they absorb a neutron and decay to short term byproducts.
http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/27032/GE-nuclear-reactor-wasteHere’s a breakdown of ARC’s benefits:
- Burns more of its own raw radioactive fuel
- Burns other reactors’ spent fuel
- Shuts down automatically if there’s a problem
- Is built in small modules than can be expanded
- The waste it does generate needs to be stored for just a few hundred years.