If you had a LARGE amount of space to build your grow room.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
What would you do and how would you do it?

Say you had a shit ton of space. 100% of a 3bd 1900sf house.

Where would you begin and what would you do?

48 plants. (clones and seedlings included), Budget 10k



I would have to see a floor plan to give good advice. Start by ripping out all the carpet, it will give you nothing but problems.


Well-Known Member
What would you do and how would you do it?

Say you had a shit ton of space. 100% of a 3bd 1900sf house.

Where would you begin and what would you do?

48 plants. (clones and seedlings included), Budget 10k

2 bed rooms flower, stagger 1 month apart for monthly harvest. Probably 4kw each flower room. 1 veg room. Maybe 4x 8tube t5 lights for veg, so 1600w. Method is up to you, soil or hydro.


Active Member
1 room as a store room for all equipment IE soild plant pots ect
1 room with 10x1000w lights for flowering
1room as mother room/nursery for cuttings seedlings with 4 400w lights

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I would have an AeroCloner or two depending of you have a different flowering room setup for each strain. 1 or 3 moms soil and 1 or 2 in dwc or aero system. SOG flowering setup using aeroponics as the medium and have them in either 2 inch net pots or 2 inch neoprene plug inserts.


Well-Known Member
Any ideas on how to cover carpet the best way?
wall to wall thick plastic sheeting sir...i have done this and have no problem..make sure its thick so you can slide things around if needed or it will rip and it has to be stapled to the walls and then duct taped to leave no space inbetween for bugs or moisture and mold etc so if your gonna do it do it right sir

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Any ideas on how to cover carpet the best way?
Depending on your setup you don't need to cover up the carpet and if you have to its best to remove it. If you want/have to keep the carpet in take it up clean the floor under it and wash the carpet and let it dry completely then cover it with polly


Well-Known Member
Any ideas on how to cover carpet the best way?
tarp. preferably the color white but it really dosent matter. only reason the rug will cause you issues is spills.

I would setup Aeroponics, someone on here had a pretty sweet rig made out of PVC piping and harvested every 2 weeks clone/mother's in seperate room probally keep mom in soil.

would grow 5 different strains so 5 Mom's definatly try some one of the Cheese strains and something fruity. i heard of a strain called Bluecheese (blueberry X Cheese) probally try that as well. some pinapple express cuz the movie was pretty funny so what the hell right, and last strain? probally randomly pick something maybe bubblicious seen a couple guys on here that grew it and it looked really good.

setup would include the works, 2 scrubbers in flower room, oscalating fan in vegg. AC/heater in flower room to keep temps at exactly 84F Co2 tanks in both rooms. full line of nutes, maybe even do organic grow. (can you organic hydro :) )

im sure theres alot more i would figure out as i went. obviously top of the line equipment for testing water. never really ran a airo system so i would definatly need to do some homework before i got started but i could make it work .


one room - 50 blueberry - 175 oz, this is what this method produced
2 rooms on flower, 1 room for mothers and cuttings, leave the carpet down and cover it with pond liner/plastic, personally 50 plants needs 6 - 8, 600`s, 1 x 300 mm filter for each room, 4 x fans (in each corner and on rotation), if you cant vent into your chimney stack you need a blow room for your stale air
(if you dont vent to outside your whole house will condensate bring fungus and attention from the outside) - misty windows -
if you vent into a loft area you may bring attention in the winter (no ice/snow on roof when everyone else has and also mr bobby chopper)
keep your vat in the cutting room, with a lid on.
In my expierience coco would be the most suitable substrate, gives you that bit of elbow room when things may go wrong compared to hydro/aero.
my personal prefence would be to if possible arrange the plants into a square formation in each flower room, this takes advantage of light crossover, lose less light per m2.
if you know and understand your plants, (feeding etc) this is tried and tested.
PS. dont use the window in your grow room to vent out -thieves are very knowing these days, not just coppers.stick a net curtain over first(not a manky one) then 2-3 sheets of black and white and then mylar.
if you veg your plants to about 16 inch, you should get enough weed to buy your house within a year,

love and kisses Danzil.


Active Member
Those on a light mover would be cool if possible. Too much $$
Those are light movers already. They may cost some money but they produce practically no heat and they have a better light coverage and penetration then any other kind of lights. They are worth the money if you can buy them.