If you had money to make more money with....?

Buy a few large totes
Thise plastic ones with the metal around them. And they have a spout.

Make large batch compost tea with an air lift.

Use a waterpump to pump it to a truck.

Put the word out. But a generator and waterpump . Put everything in a pickup truck.

Drive to peoples gardens and dilutex4 and spray peoples gardens and charge 40$ once a week.

Getting customers is easy peasy.
Id start a church...all tax free baby...and everyone loves to give to the High power...Jesus wants me to have a private jet...he told me so!!
A good idea, but risky. Churches are like those quick lube places. There is one on every corner, and they all charge the same thing. So with God and oil changes, customer support is the biggest driver of success and failure.
If you had a lump of cash, not retirement money, but a useful amount...say 10-40k.... something like that, what would you do to tunt it into more money?

There's obvious answers, selling crack to school kids, building a massive grow room, stock market etc....but what about something you can tell the tax man about? What can you buy low sell high? What's something you can buy from China, rebrand and turn out?

What have you Mericans got coming out of your ears that people in Europe are crying out for?

This is a hypothetical situation, I haven't even robbed the post office yet, but when I do I want to make good with the dirty money. Really build a future for my kids so they don't have to suck off old men for pocket change.

All suggestions gratefully received. :)
E-commerce such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy etc.
I can turn $100 into $500 on eBay pretty easy and it's not hard to scale. Although, it's a reasonable amount of work.
if I was looking for long-term passive income i would just put that money down on a couple rental units.
By problems i think you mean tenants that cost you more than your profit.

Honestly its more hastle that its worth.

Tenants have alot of rights and can fuck you if they want. Id be weary.
Yes. Cost us time and money. We sold the one house in town and just use the other on the farm for storage these days.
I saw a guy that goes to dollarshops then he buys the stuff that says it usually sells for much more, and then put that shit up on ebay.
A lady who worked in my wife's office did this at thrift stores and yard sales. She had an eye for under priced stuff, and made pretty good selling on Ebay.
If it has tits or wheels...flippin' mobile homes or flippin' hoes, pimpin' ain't easy.
I need something more stable to put my money in, dammit!
you could buy the next weed twitter, things are changing fast in the world with everything really, but the net and weed is balowing up!

invest in the weed net ... message me.

Wompaa is Thuggee for "Mainliner"...


Kali Ma!!!