just one wish?
mmm... tough one.
I guess it would be to win 50 million dollars. I can take care of the rest of my "needs" after that.
plus, my parents just recently retired, both of them. they both worked for the state. my mother worked for DHS and my father was well known and respected Judge.. before he recently retired. He started out as a Federal Judge.. then from that, came down to work as a State Judge.. then moved down from that and moved into the 'Workers Compensation Commission' and became a Workers Compensation Judge. All in all he put in almost 35 years of service behind the bench.
But yeah, they're getting a nice retirement plan.. I think they both got 150k worth of retirement coming their way.. 150k each.. not combined. Which, IMO.. isn't all that bad.. but I would wish for 50 Million.. just so I could make sure that they're able to actually and truly enjoy their retirement. I'd take care of the rest of my family as well.. my two niece's and my nephew's college fund would be taken care of; both my parents would both get a brand new Cadillac.. and neither I or my sister would ever have to worry about financial matters ever again.
Plus, I would.. (and I mean this.. not just saying it).. I would also bless many people. Of course.. I would only be able to help those who REALLY needed the help you know? I'd make plenty of donations... I could just do so many good things with that kind of money man.. so many good things.
Who knows.. maybe PCH (Publisher Clearing House) will show up at my front door this coming August 31st 2011..

-yeah.. right.
But hey, you never know.. I mean shit, someone WILL win it.. someone HAS to be declared a winner right? Right.. so you just never know. It can happen to any of us.. as long as you enter the sweepstakes.
anyhow.. yeah, that would be my one and only wish.