IF YOU HAD TO GUESS ... how much have you spent on your op?

wow so that sucker just sits outside that window box you got there? aha ha haha ahhhh now I see what you've done, mhmm. Nice little rig :)
yeah that's a 4x5 foot window behind the box, the slide type of window. So i just covered and insulated it put the A/C in and put a solar shade on the outside. Very DL...JRView attachment 944041
That's what it looks like outside

Dude that's fuckin PIMP. Very very tight. I will use this exact design someday for cooling a room, down to the shade you got. +rep for stealth and ingenuinety

~ BCbuddy :leaf:
hahaha , the thread has lost believers. nobody is posting their expensive ass grow ops anymore : /. that controls everything right? humidity ,temp , pumps? co2?
ive spent like around 400 dollars under 6oo watt, had 7 plants from 3 to over 6 feet tall, sold one for 400 and the rest is drying right now, looks like this endeavor was well worth it

That shit caught me off guard... I'm still catching my breath.

lol , well i was like WTF DO YOU SEE!? hahah. his idea was pretty good in the end tho : ) . i used it in my room with two 6 inch ducts from my a/c and solved a major cooling problem. now the only problem is the 90 dollars a month its gonna cost me to run this a/c 24/7. im being perpetually fucked by growing expenses. lol.
damn wtf kinda light is that? its supposed to be better and more efficient than hid or flouro ?

What if you could use 1 light to do everything. Not one light fixture and two bulbs, but 1 light. And you could hold it in your hand?!?!?!!



Keep in mind the one I ordered is MUCH larger than the one you see being used here.


Now take this info and go peep my journal at my plants and how they are stacked. take those littel christmas trees and stick them under a 1000 watt SP system, they will turn into 5 foot christmas tree's !!