If you have a VERY high tolerance read this


The reason I joined this forum, and really the reason I got my mmj card in the first place, was due to my quest to cure my very very debilitating insomnia which makes it impossible for me to have a normal life with a normal schedule. I tried all the big pharma solutions and nothing really works except a shitload of xanax or some opiates.

What I am searching for is some bud, which supposedly exists but I am not sure I've ever seen it, that will knock me out. One-hitter-quitter stuff. But I now think that somebody with a tolerance like mine cannot find such a thing. I was disappointed to find that dispensaries really don't have anything that special, but I'm not sure I've been to the right one yet.

So here's the question: Is it possible to grow/buy something that will put somebody with a top 1% tolerance for regular chronic on his ass? I PRAY that there is.

P.S. If you can't easily smoke entire sacks of fire in one sitting I'm not interested in your opinion, no offense.
Hey I had, and still have the same problem you do, first what is your insomnia like is it a body insomnia or is it like mine were you just cant get your mind to shut the fuck up? i need to know that first so i can recomend the best bud for you
The second one usually, my mind does NOT stfu.

Sometimes the body kind, but usually not.
okay that one is alot harder to fix, first it might be how your smoking the bud, i use to vaporize it and other shit, dont get a blunt wrap and roll it up, then when your smoking instead of puffing hard puff slow and short, it makes it last longer and increases your high six fold, also wet down right beneath the cherry every now and then it keeps it going even longer, now for the type of bud i would suggest actully a mix. instead of growing get a sack of train wreck, blue berry, some white widdow, and if you can cotton candy, the train wreck makes the high hit you even more where the blue berry numbs you down a little, and the white widow slowing effecting your preception, the cotton candy is normally for taste but it also helps numb the body, i know thats like alot of differnt kinds but its worth it like majorly and dont get ditch dirt weed get the good stuff, and if you really want add some purps to it, that will increase the chances of numbing your mind so much you just pass out but make sure your ready to sleep when you smoke a blunt of this mix because it is really really really strong mix i use to have to take about 10 tylenol pm just to make me drowzy so i know what im talking about. if you want a quick fix that will knock you out that is a mix of like two but wont taste that good because it will be so strong. the mix i gave you tastes great, smells bomb, and will take maybe 10 minutes for you too pass out but that gives you enough time to put stuff out turn stuff off and so on so you dont pass out with all your shit on and make your power bill sky rocket


I actually can get all of those strains pretty easily, I'll try it.

I'm wondering if I might have to move on to oil though if I can't find any fresh bud that'll do the trick.
I actually can get all of those strains pretty easily, I'll try it.

I'm wondering if I might have to move on to oil though if I can't find any fresh bud that'll do the trick.
i woulnt the oil is nasty and it doesnt really work that much, try that mix and tell me if it works or not cause i got alot of mixes i have tried, every person is differnt and i dont want you to go through the same shit i have to


Well-Known Member
Hindu Kush or heavy indicas like it will nock your ass out within 1 bowl out of a good bong.


Active Member
I had pretty bad insomnia growing up i just roll a blunt beforfe bed and smoke it by myself. Usually i do so while laying in bed watching tv. The blunt takes a solid 30minutes if you use a dutch atleast... wraps burn mad quick. By the timke the blunt is done im stoned/burnt from smoking all that while laying down and pass the fuck out.


Hindu Kush or heavy indicas like it will nock your ass out within 1 bowl out of a good bong.
Will it really though poplars? I mean I've had 4/20's where I've smoked/vaped/eaten I don't even know how much, but a LOT. And I didn't pass out until I wanted to. I hope you're right, but one bowl?

Granted I've only had my mmj license for a month and only had known strains since then, but I've been smoking stuff that looks like what I see at the dispensaries since high school. I am hoping that there is shit out there like what you're talking about, but if there is it is VERY rare, or I don't know the right people (I'm in CO, so maybe its cali-only dunno)

I had pretty bad insomnia growing up i just roll a blunt beforfe bed and smoke it by myself. Usually i do so while laying in bed watching tv. The blunt takes a solid 30minutes if you use a dutch atleast... wraps burn mad quick. By the timke the blunt is done im stoned/burnt from smoking all that while laying down and pass the fuck out.
God, I WISH a blunt of whatever could make me pass out... that would be a wake and bake at this point


Well-Known Member
How bout some hash??? That always knocks my dick in the dirt. I have a buddy that makes the honey oil. His is the dankest I've ever smoked. It's definitely a sleep inducer. Good luck bro!


Yeah I could do hash, but I was hoping to stick with fresh buds for the most part. I guess I am leaning in that direction though.

Someone told me on another thread that letting the bud get super super ripe so the trics get really dark could work. Makes sense, if amber makes people sleepy, dark might do the trick for me.


Active Member
yup darker the trichs, sleepier the stone. have you tried edibles? when im having really bad pain, i put about 0.5g-1g of hash into some half n half and nuke it for about 20 secs, stir, repeat, stir, let cool and pound. (tastes kinda shitty...) takes a while to kick in, up to an hour depending on whats in your belly at the time. even though i can sit down and smoke all the herb you put in front of me, this will generally put me down. also lasts quite a bit longer, ususally through the whole night.


Well-Known Member
I'm totally serious about hindu kush. at the time I smoked it I had a very high tolerance, and after 1 bowl and an hour later I had bags under my eyes it was practically forcing me to go to sleep.

I mean of course you don't have to go to sleep. but it wont be very awesome if you don't go to sleep haha.

also trichomes don't matter as much as people say. amber trichomes on a sativa will make it more stony, but it will never be an indica.

indicas at 90% cloudy trichomes are VERY VERY stoney. it's the chemical composition, it isn't dependent upon trichome color.


Well-Known Member
I am all about eating the stuff, if you are not carefull you can get yourself in some messy states where all you want to do is go to sleep or curl up in a corner. Stopped smoking it 2 or 3 years ago in favour for eating it, you simply can't get as high smoking as you can eating, if i had a joint now i don't think it would touch the sides and dont forget smoking kills.


Well-Known Member
I am all about eating the stuff, if you are not carefull you can get yourself in some messy states where all you want to do is go to sleep or curl up in a corner. Stopped smoking it 2 or 3 years ago in favour for eating it, you simply can't get as high smoking as you can eating, if i had a joint now i don't think it would touch the sides and dont forget smoking kills.
smoking CIGGS KILLS.

smoking WEED HEALS!