If you PH Gatorade could you..


Active Member
OH NO...it's IDIOCRACY! Seriously though, no. Your plant would not like gatorade for very long. It's high in sodium and sugars for another. Don't repeat the mistakes of Brawndo Corp. Stick wih water! ; )
but brawndo has what plants needs. it has electrolytes. you mean like water from the toilet?


Active Member
THANK YOU.. fuck the haters. I'll prolly try this out one day for shits and giggles just to see what will happen. Too bad I don't know any Science Fairs going on haha
yea cause im sure you would win. i think gatorade would be a great addition to my stardust and unicorn urine fertilizer. like fox farms trio!

chef c

Well-Known Member
Haha brawndo.... The guys who say there's too much salt are obviously right. If there's any sodium un the house hold stuff ya wanna put in, you're fuct. But if you really really be different, flush w/ grape or cherry juice. Soil only takes for hours to notice an incredible difference. Hydro would be less right :).