If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or


Well-Known Member
Because he's a good little Democratic apparatchik; you'll notice the rest of the party is refusing to learn any lessons, either.
that's not true.

i've learned the lesson that we need to disown and exile the "true progressives" who go around spouting off russian conspiracy theories and blatant racism about "herd like mentality", "primates", "f***ots", "penny pinching jew rats", "men's rights", and the like.


Well-Known Member
that's not true.

i've learned the lesson that we need to disown and exile the "true progressives" who go around spouting off russian conspiracy theories and blatant racism about "herd like mentality", "primates", "f***ots", "penny pinching jew rats", "men's rights", and the like.
You don't even get the quotes correct.


Well-Known Member
tell me all about how democrats are less tolerant than republicans.

please do not use your buddies like schuylaar (jew rats) or padaraper (f***gots) or yourself ("herd like mentality") as examples though.

Actually I called Mnuchin a cheap Jew for foreclosing on an elderly homeowner with less than a $1 balance.

I still stand by that quote.


Well-Known Member
"herd like mentality" is one you fully own. never seen you rebuke schuylaar or padaraper even once for their "primates" "f****ots" and "penny pinching jew rat" comments either.

what is it exactly that you want me to be more tolerant of?
What's wrong with the word primate?


Well-Known Member
Who won or lost is irrelevant. That collusion, corruption and cheating took place is.

You can't say, "Well, she would have won anyway" because there was never a point in time that the contest was actually non-biased to begin with. People herd towards a winner by reflex.

Case in point: the Chicago Cubs. You NEVER saw people wearing Cubs hats and jerseys in public. They win a world series and POOF! Suddenly you see a Cubs hat every other person you come across.

The same effect holds true in voting many times - once somebody is shown to have a lead, you get a snowball effect of people jumping on the bandwagon simply because they want to be associated with the winner, regardless of if that is who they actually like to begin with.

Had the rigging and collusion never taken place, who's to say that Bernie doesn't get that 2 point lead that snowballs into 12 by the end?
That's why it's important to let contest run without announcing when dealing with multiple time zones.

The bottom line is the Clinton Machine engineered it because 'it was her turn' and wouldn't let anything stand in her way..so much so, she forgot about a platform but took Sanders' and thought that was good enough.

It's not just the platform though- it's the person and that she couldn't duplicate..she couldn't BE Sanders.

The Clinton Machine was completely responsible for taking him out.

She chose to cheat, it is because of HER we have HIM.

That cunt, DWS better hope I never run into her at the mall.


Well-Known Member
And there it is! I've been wondering about all the nazi and racist references to schuylaar and I finally get to see a full nazi meltdown in action! What a sick fuck!
he was just cheap and happened to be a jew so we shouldn't mention he was cheap or jewish because hitler


Well-Known Member
he was just cheap and happened to be a jew so we shouldn't mention he was cheap or jewish because hitler
Well that was obvious..<rolls eyes>

Funny thing about names..one day the name Trump will be synonymous with Nixon, Madoff, Ponzi and even the dark lord himself..Hitler.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there was. The ENTIRE DNC, the very body that is supposed to present an even, unbiased platform for all democrats to select their representative for the presidency INTENTIONALLY WORKDED AGAINST BERNIE SANDERS FROM THE START.

It doesn't get any more corrupt than that.

It doesn't get any more cheating than that.

It's like a runner in the 100 meters dash giving himself a 2 second head start.

It's like a football team starting the game with 35 points while the other team starts at zero.

There is a reason the hierarchy of the DNC were fired or forced to resign and are actually being sued to this day: they cheated.
He didn't deserve it.

Their comeback is that he wasn't really a dem and shouldn't have gotten DNC resources, that they rightfully belonged to Clinton only.

They (Bucky etc al) totally can't see this..even tell you Sanders had no right.

I sincerely hope Sanders will be bringing suit against.


Well-Known Member
Because he's a good little Democratic apparatchik; you'll notice the rest of the party is refusing to learn any lessons, either.
Nice, you are learning Russian I see.
Not to mention that Kyle Kulinski, the thought guide propaganda guy is a Russia apologist.

To paraphrase: "russian talk is becoming a distraction from real issues"
Maybe because there are other issues which need attention. Did THAT ever occur to you? Or do you like the distraction, so you never have to address anything that actually matters to the daily lives of average Americans?
tty, did you really complain about Flynn's dismissal as well as the Russian investigation into Trump's financial ties and his campaign's collusion with Putin? Did you really call it a distraction?


Well-Known Member
And there it is! I've been wondering about all the nazi and racist references to schuylaar and I finally get to see a full nazi meltdown in action! What a sick fuck!
It was actually "Lying sneaky Jew Rat Bastard" and "Now there's a Jew that knows how to pinch his pennies"...

You can search Schuylaar*jew* in the search bar and it'll give you nearly every post she mentioned Jews.


Well-Known Member
@ttystikk @schuylaar @Padawanbater2 @st0wandgrow @TacoMac
listen to these bernie babies.

All repeating right wing fake shit. Now, their conduit for right wing propaganda is defending Trump's collusion with Russia. Should give one pause but nope, they are now calling the investigation a "distraction".

These Sandernistas are have been saying for months that black and brown voters are unable decide for themselves what is in their self interests. Now they defend Putin's interference in the US elections.


Well-Known Member
Who won or lost is irrelevant. That collusion, corruption and cheating took place is.

You can't say, "Well, she would have won anyway" because there was never a point in time that the contest was actually non-biased to begin with. People herd towards a winner by reflex.

Case in point: the Chicago Cubs. You NEVER saw people wearing Cubs hats and jerseys in public. They win a world series and POOF! Suddenly you see a Cubs hat every other person you come across.

The same effect holds true in voting many times - once somebody is shown to have a lead, you get a snowball effect of people jumping on the bandwagon simply because they want to be associated with the winner, regardless of if that is who they actually like to begin with.

Had the rigging and collusion never taken place, who's to say that Bernie doesn't get that 2 point lead that snowballs into 12 by the end?
I've heard reference to herd mentality before. did you get that from TYT or some other right wing propaganda outlet?

You are disrespecting the ability of the common person to vote in their own self interest.


Well-Known Member
@ttystikk @schuylaar @Padawanbater2 @st0wandgrow @TacoMac
listen to these bernie babies.

All repeating right wing fake shit. Now, their conduit for right wing propaganda is defending Trump's collusion with Russia. Should give one pause but nope, they are now calling the investigation a "distraction".

These Sandernistas are have been saying for months that black and brown voters are unable decide for themselves what is in their self interests. Now they defend Putin's interference in the US elections.
The disturbing part is how many people got Putin-Cucked...

He's very sneeky indeed.