If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
Some just can't face their own hypocrisy....

Bush was a spender.....

Obama is the KING of spenders.
Obama only has to spend due to the stupidity of previous Prez before him...How would you have brought us back from the hole we had been placed in ????


Well-Known Member
tax breaks were what kept us from unraviling after 911. everytime they are used, they work.

the economy gets a boom, people get hired, puts more people on the tax roles, and increases the amount govt recieves via taxes. its really not even arguable becuase its reacted the same way everytime tax breaks are enacted.

tax breaks arent the problem...govt spending IS the problem. its shuffling money and adds no value, therefore inefficient at best, criminal at worst.
dude you need to learn more..tax breaks for the rich never helped us...in fact it hurts us because the rich only want to get richer and send the money they make off shore or over sea....Next time you call a company and you end up talking to Beila in India remember what I said...and the people of this country is what help us through 911..not a freakin tax break...WTF


New Member
Obama only has to spend due to the stupidity of previous Prez before him...How would you have brought us back from the hole we had been placed in ????
Yes I see, because Bush spent 300 billion, Obama has to spend a trillion.... makes perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
Yes I see, because Bush spent 300 billion, Obama has to spend a trillion.... makes perfect sense.
First Cracker get your numbers right..Bush spent way more then that..Second at least Obama Admin has more transparency..no one in the Bush Administration though seems to know where the money he allocated for the economic recovery went.George W. Bush's presidency cost the country about $11.5 trillion.Over the past eight years, we've suffered calamities that were bound to damage the nation deeply: recessions, the most lethal terrorist attacks ever on U.S. soil, the invasion of Iraq on dubious grounds, the near destruction of one of our most storied cities and, finally, the Wall Street meltdown.


Well-Known Member
If you only taking about stimulus money then say that....I forgot about Bush the so call "shot in the arm" stimulus plan...what was it oh yeah he issued rebate checks .....lol remember those $300-1200 checks wish I could have gotten one...I could have got a quarter of some purp whilst others started to lose their jobs and home..lol... $300 couldn't even pay my car note how was that going to help pay someones mortgage..... Yeah country started to fall apart and down into a recession and Bush send out rebate checks thinking that would stop the crash...WTF....is that the stimulus you talking about ???


jesus christ your obama fanboyism stretches so far as almost to the point of delusion

half of the things you are saying are completely incorrect or are completely irrelevant

bush's spending has nothing to do with obamas... your literally just making excuse to defend your messiah


New Member
When I say 300 billion (Bush) and 1 trillion (Obama) ... ppl who should be informed ALREADY know I'm talking stimulus.

But let's talk about totalities if you wish to.

Obama is going to outspend ALL 8 YEARS of Bush in his FIRST 2 YEARS.

So just shut your pie hole when you whine about spending under Bush. Obama makes him look like a lightweight in comparison.

Most INFORMED ppl...


Well-Known Member
Cracker you need to get your facts straight ...makes you look rather dumb when you don't..first off Bushy had two stimulus the first was a check rebate which came to a total of 152 billion in stimulus checks..The second was the bail out that went to Wall Street which it was advertised to us as the repurchase of toxic debt to free up the financial system, and ended up being investment money and 'bonus' money to Wall St....that total was 700 billion..now both of these came in the same year the first was in the early part of the year the second towards the latter....so WTF you talking about 300 billion...Once again you proved just how much you don't know...Schools out ....YOU FAILED.....repeat grade again


New Member
I didn't say Bush didn't give out a stimulus...:roll: You need to work on ur reading comprehension.

They didn't work either.

The 300 Billion was Bush's stimulus... so you don't even know what you are talking about son. :roll:

Obama is at a trillion now with more on the way. He WILL outspend Bush in just 2 years!

Obamanomics is a failure ... of that the economists do not doubt. Numbers don't lie....


Well-Known Member
Again you fail to understand WTF I'm saying ...take time to read ....Bush had two stimulus one was the rebate checks..that total was about 150 billion...the other was for the bank bail outs....that total was 700 billion...so again Cracker stop pulling numbers out your azz with 300 billion...


New Member
Way to not address the issue still standing. :roll:

Obama is at a TRILLION dollars in entitlement funding. He is outspending any President in history by a WIDE margin. Obama makes BUSH seem like a scrooge in comparison.

It's WHAT the greatest outlay of public money is being used for..... unemployment ... entitlements....rebuilding the welfare state. 2% is actually slated for road work and infrastructure.

Obama WILL outspend Bush's entire two terms (that's 8 years to you) after just 2 years in office.

The stimulus has failed and no wonder... the money is going to all the wrong places for an economic turnaround. the private sector is doing it ALL BY ITSELF, and fighting it's way past a completely inexperienced and socialist president to boot!

One term. He is so done.

Here's another one for Natrone.

Obama ... one term ... write it down stoners.

I give Natrone this new one since my first prediction is tracking at 100% accuracy (as usual).


New Member
One term.... numbers don't lie.

Obama is flushing himself down the political toilet. His even MENTIONING having only one term is a frighteningly inexperienced to say to the public. Never say what the people are already thinking....it VALIDATES that thinking....who is counseling him?

Then of course his reasoning on that was whacky and naive. he'd rather be a great one term President.... uhh great one terms usually give you a second Obama.... ;roll:

Cmon November!! C'mon 2012.

The USA needs relief form the nutty left ... again.

I noticed you still have no response...... checkmate.
Shuffle off.


New Member
Still can't come up with a response? Fine... but no deflection here.... straight on through.

Headline on MarketWatch (a mainstream media site, which used to be a CBS operation): "Jobless claims reach lowest level in months". This confirmed what I told you on Monday: That this weekly measure of layoffs had reached its HIGHEST level in MONTHS.
I want you to look at that headline again. Look at how marvelous it is--especially when you consider the headlines for previous weeks when the number was the HIGHEST in months. Does that headline not tell you that the Obama/Democrat "jobs program" has FAILED--perhaps better than I have told you? Sure it does. The headline says that the job situation has been getting WORSE for MONTHS, and MAY just now be returning to the level it was three months ago (NO "improvement" from Obama policies). We have bankrupted the country, for NOTHING.


Well-Known Member
You seem to again miss the whole point of this tread....If you voted for Bush STFU its your fault that we are in the mix that you so call complain about....I do not recognized the stupidity coming from you because you voted for BUSH....Obama would not even be POTUS if you teabagging foxsuckers had not voted for a man you would like to have a drink with....Now you complain how bad the country is ????? its your fault !!!!! now again in order for Obama to lose sombody has to win...could you tell me who that winner will be Cracker..???!!!???