If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

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If you're ever able to visit RM3's forum you would eventually see that he has subforums dedicated to other growers...hardly seems like a guy who says his way is the only way....lol!

In his very first post Hogbud writes that everything written in forums is BS, so would that include his forum too? Or is he just talking BS?

how would ya know? it's crap? funny thing is I only grow one hit wonders and have been doing it longer than HID's have been around. I've probably forgotten more than most people on here know, and no I'm not trying to be an an ass about, just statin the facts

When I started reading his links to his forum posts it turns out he's only been growing for less than 5 years.

When he posted this information before only 30 people could be bothered to read it, so he decided to start another post and make it controversial by insulting everyone and acting like a dick. I guess this was done to try to get a reaction out of people to desperately keep this thread going because it wouldn't last on it's own merits, and that's all it seems to be about now.

If he hadn't come on here and insulted everyone and lied about his experience, he would probably had a better reception to his thread and have been more credible.

Is confusing the hell out of newbies by telling them about different coloured trich's actually very helpful anyway? 90% of them struggle to keep their plants alive for 3 months, let alone telling them stuff like that! Newbies need simple, clear and concise information to help guide them through, delivered in a polite uncondescending manner.


I have never told anyone to do any of those things, and there are plenty of others out there that haven't either. So you are insulting us now!

When it comes to these forums you can only offer your advice, whether people choose to follow it is up to them. Nothing you can say or do will make them change what they think is right, they will only learn from experience.

My advice to you would be to stop acting like a dick, and be honest. You can take that advice or ignore it, as it makes no difference to me. The same as someone flushing their plants has no effect on me at all (apart from making me chuckle)
In his very first post Hogbud writes that everything written in forums is BS, so would that include his forum too? Or is he just talking BS?

When I started reading his links to his forum posts it turns out he's only been growing for less than 5 years.

When he posted this information before only 30 people could be bothered to read it, so he decided to start another post and make it controversial by insulting everyone and acting like a dick. I guess this was done to try to get a reaction out of people to desperately keep this thread going because it wouldn't last on it's own merits, and that's all it seems to be about now.

If he hadn't come on here and insulted everyone and lied about his experience, he would probably had a better reception to his thread and have been more credible.

Is confusing the hell out of newbies by telling them about different coloured trich's actually very helpful anyway? 90% of them struggle to keep their plants alive for 3 months, let alone telling them stuff like that! Newbies need simple, clear and concise information to help guide them through, delivered in a polite uncondescending manner.


I have never told anyone to do any of those things, and there are plenty of others out there that haven't either. So you are insulting us now!

When it comes to these forums you can only offer your advice, whether people choose to follow it is up to them. Nothing you can say or do will make them change what they think is right, they will only learn from experience.

My advice to you would be to stop acting like a dick, and be honest. You can take that advice or ignore it, as it makes no difference to me. The same as someone flushing their plants has no effect on me at all (apart from making me chuckle)
Hey Neo,
true when I started here I was paranoid and wrote as if I was a noob, others have pointed it out and tried to use it against me, so no surprise there. and yeah I said shit that folks are takin literally like "everything" on forums etc the HID thing was not about when they were invented but rather when folks started usin em to grow with which was in the early 70's (we stole and used a street light in 77) I have 5 felonies (one for MJ) my FBI file is 2 inches thick, been to prison twice, so paranoid was real when I started plus I was on parole at the time of those early post. Now it's legal here and I'm off parole so don't really care anymore.

and have no idea how you grow or what you tell folks, have not seen anything from you I would call bad, truth is I'm not slammin anyone, and yep was trying to stir controversy and conversation, but honestly was not tryin to be a dick !!!

Simply wanted to point out to the new growers that there is no literal translation, that they should apply logic in their learning process and keep an open mind, hell there are folks that believe the world is only 6000 years old, I don't agree but I also defend their right to believe it ! same with growing MJ, I say do what you do, but don't push it on others, I have not ever once said my way was the right way, the only way, the preferred way etc. I simply post facts and then back them up with research, for others to make up their own minds
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You may have learned many things about providing what a plant needs to grow healthy but busted how many times??? Jeez not to smart in that respect lol. Really unlucky or quite the fool. No wonder you have so much time on your hands (pardon the pun). You have tweaked my interest though. As for flushing I typically never have in soil unless it rained alot just before harvest. But do a limited flush in hydro just because. The second last run I did I used a highly concentrated K product that had a funky smell that was transferred to the plant. I was running out (usually am!) and picked a plant early. The plants that were left and flushed had lost this smell. By no means a scientific experiment but a good indication that flushing in hydro was a good thing in that particular case.
Where have I made any personal attacks on Hogbud? If I have then quote the post and I'll have it removed by the mods myself. I'm sure he is a nice chap in real life, but I can only go on what he has written himself on the internet.
nobodies askin for more so I guess I'll let it go at least it seems more folks got the info and at least it is here now for folks to find. At my forum there is no trolling, no bs, no myths, no bad info, everyone cares about each other and we all have great conversations about all kinds of stuff. I had almost forgotten what it was like here LOL

so good luck to all you new growers that read this, and if ya get a chance follow my old threads it will help you I promise !!!

Lol I need time to catch the jewels in all your older threads! You know gotta sift through alot of bs. Just to chime in on the noob aspect, I am 1, but I'm also an adult that uses common sense everyday. That being said your not the only experienced grower here that may give info that someone like myself has no clue of what to do with at that moment. That info however is still useful to the grower down the road, so I take notes to revist later when it is needed.

I don't remember telling any teacher/professor I've learned from "dumb it down for me". You either learn or fail. Most of all use common sense!!! If it doesn't fit your garden f**k it! My noob ass grew 2 plants start to finish with little info smoked great just using common sense( no nuts burns, no over watering, no etc.). Bud rot was my only issue( left them in 10 days of drizzle/rain lol), I am a noob.

So if I come across a grower that doesn't mind sharing their practices, I use common sense to see how to/ or if it is needed in my garden.

Thanks Hog.
Dude you really don't wanna get into a pissing contest with me cause my dick is bigger and I got balls to go with it so leave it be. Let's talk about the data Hog is posting and Grow To Grow otherwise STFU! :fire:

Ahhh post some budzzzz to prove your shit is better, can't do that can you?
You may have learned many things about providing what a plant needs to grow healthy but busted how many times??? Jeez not to smart in that respect lol. Really unlucky or quite the fool. No wonder you have so much time on your hands (pardon the pun). You have tweaked my interest though. As for flushing I typically never have in soil unless it rained alot just before harvest. But do a limited flush in hydro just because. The second last run I did I used a highly concentrated K product that had a funky smell that was transferred to the plant. I was running out (usually am!) and picked a plant early. The plants that were left and flushed had lost this smell. By no means a scientific experiment but a good indication that flushing in hydro was a good thing in that particular case.
I rode with an infamous MC when I was young, we grew weed, we made meth, I know all about the carbonium ion chain thingy, I hung out in the warehouses of the company one of the biggest MJ rings ever busted. I did time with the Snowman (from the falcon & the snowman) we catered parties at a mansion in arkansas (that's all I'll say)

I may have well been not so smart but I had a blast thru it all, though I admit there were a few gun battles I could have lived without LOL and the 8 years in the joint sucked but I learned from that as well, everything is an experience
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