Ikea "pax" stealth grow room advice

hi there everyone

Thinking about starting a small grow of some plants in my room, i need it to be stealthy but i want to have the capabilities for cloning growth area and a main growing area.

interested in buying this wardrobe its called pax and is from ikea.



was wondering how many plants i could grow in this area and whats my best options?

best lighting, carbon filter, heat control etc for my space. really just some general advice,
hopefully it could help some other nubes like me too if it gets started :D also i think this wardrobe could be a great option for stealth grows as you can pick them up second hand for around £40. also you can buy different shelves and draws for customisability and section off areas.

I'm on a budget but i really want to grow some nice plants and as its my first grow any advice would be much appreciated. and i anyone else has some experience on a grow room like this it would be amazing to have a chat before a really get things rolling and possibly regret all the hard work.

cheers guys


Well-Known Member
there are so many variables when it comes to environment control. there isnt really one correct answer. you best bet is to setup with what you want. maybe cfl for veg and a small hps (150/250w) for flower space. im managing to keep a grow cupboard temp down to 27/28c with a 250w hps. im using 2 pc fans for extraction though. it will depend on humidity, ambient temp of the room you have the cupboard in. extraction and air intake. wattage of lights etc...

like i said get what you want to use and then manage temps and humidity. there is no way of telling just by looking at it.
thanks for the advice yea that sounds fair enough, I'm trying to buy one off ebay atm but wanted to know what people thought before starting. so what do you think of this sort of grow room? do you know how many plants i could grow in this sort of space? is it too small for growing maybe 3 - 4 plants.
any more advice is welcome people :D thanks again dude, much appreciated :peace:

also I'm pretty good with wiring up lights etc so adding a few computer fans would be easy for me


My cabinet is same height but twice as wide and trust me it is hard to keep a 250w cool even with a vortex 4 inch and a duct fan. In that thing to be honest i would just use CFLs or something. But I would no doubt still get a 4inch inline fan and carbon scrubber. And just so you don't waste any time even though a duct fan is more than enough to clear that small space get a inline fan because a duct fan simply wont work with a carbon filter and fan speed controller no doubt. If you insist on an HPS do only 150 watt but it won't be able to be stealth with one, especially because you will probably need the ballast on the outside. I'd just do 1 or 2 plants in that. You will also need to light seal it with duct tape or so because trust me no edges of that thing will be lightproof. Use panda film for reflectivity. As far as what brands are best just keep googling "what is the best ___?" because you will easily find threads where it's all been asked, then you can get an idea of the major good brands. Or maybe someone else can remember some good names right now. Check out mine to see how I did it, only thing I'd do different is use only the vortex and rig it to go through the cooltube, indstead of having a different fan, but i didn't want to much on the exterior of the dresser.


i think i will have a lot of room at the top end of the wardrobe, i could possibly fit and extractor and carbon fan in there? obviously i would prefer a hps, but maybe il have to settle for some cfls. not sure atm, im thinking just buy a few cfls anyway for the moment an let the plant grow from there, worry about the hps later.

yea brettsog i think its a 2 planter, i would be really happy with that for the moment.

thanks for the comments!
any other help appreciated!