I'll Think About Voting For Obama When....


Well-Known Member
All the points I made are practical in my original post but you seem to take it personally?
No they aren't. You seem to think that Obama can just sign something and eliminate the Patriot Act. That isn't true.

You seem to think that the President can order Governors to act the way he wants when it comes to State Unions. You are wrong.

It appears that you lack an understanding of how Government works and you are allowing this ignorance to effect you emotionally. I suggest that you try to learn more about the subects that you let bother you. Some knowledge might help you with your frustration. You are asking the President to be a dictator.


New Member
No they aren't. You seem to think that Obama can just sign something and eliminate the Patriot Act. That isn't true.

You seem to think that the President can order Governors to act the way he wants when it comes to State Unions. You are wrong.

It appears that you lack an understanding of how Government works and you are allowing this ignorance to effect you emotionally. I suggest that you try to learn more about the subects that you let bother you. Some knowledge might help you with your frustration. You are asking the President to be a dictator.
Yes he can do all of the above using executive orders. (aside from patriot act which he could at least speak against)



Well-Known Member
hay there, what do you have to say about the Union rights, the wars, and the republican dictatorships which obama can overide with a simple executive order, mr. fake democrat? What do you say about his support of wall street crooks?
support union rights
i have not heard of any declarations of war since wwII, so no comment
haven't noticed any republican dictatorships
hard to punish someone on wall street even though their actions were ghastly

not a fake democrat, not a democrat at all, they are just a party i end up voting for.

a better way to describe me would be rabid, foaming at the mouth, bleeding heart liberal.


Well-Known Member
Who is Mike Elk and why do you believe him?

When you are forced to resort to the YouTube defense, you fail. If that is all you have, some nobody with a video camera, you lose. Raise your standards for legitimate information sources. You tube and conspiracy theorists don't count. Mike Elk is wrong and for repeating his claim that makes you wrong too.

That's all you got huh? No wonder you're frustrated. You 'educate' yourself by watching youtube videos. Here's another tip. Stick with watching the funny ones.


New Member
support union rights
i have not heard of any declarations of war since wwII, so no comment
haven't noticed any republican dictatorships
hard to punish someone on wall street even though their actions were ghastly

not a fake democrat, not a democrat at all, they are just a party i end up voting for.

a better way to describe me would be rabid, foaming at the mouth, bleeding heart liberal.
hard to punish someone on wall street even though their actions were ghastly Not if we audited the fed
haven't noticed any republican dictatorships - Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio want to speak with you

Michigan Governor Claims Dictatorial Powers!

10:46 she starts talking about the republican dictatorship


New Member
Who is Mike Elk and why do you believe him?

When you are forced to resort to the YouTube defense, you fail. If that is all you have, some nobody with a video camera, you lose. Raise your standards for legitimate information sources. You tube and conspiracy theorists don't count. Mike Elk is wrong and for repeating his claim that makes you wrong too.

That's all you got huh? No wonder you're frustrated. You 'educate' yourself by watching youtube videos. Here's another tip. Stick with watching the funny ones.
Im not going to fucking look up the executive orders and read them for you, according to yourself your able to do that on your own apparently.


Well-Known Member
Don't you love the hypocrisy of an Ardent Ron Paul supporter starting a thread titled:

"I'll think about voting for Obama when........"

I bet he thinks he fools people.


Well-Known Member
hard to punish someone on wall street even though their actions were ghastly Not if we audited the fed
haven't noticed any republican dictatorships - Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio want to speak with you

Michigan Governor Claims Dictatorial Powers!
didn't they vote 96-0 to audit the fed?

and yeah, i did notice that come to think of it.

which is why i will likely put m weight behind obama again rather than chase a ron paul pipe dream. unless, of course, obama has my state solidly won...in which case i will vote for the craziest fucking progressive i can find.


Well-Known Member
Don't you love the hypocrisy of an Ardent Ron Paul supporter starting a thread titled:

"I'll think about voting for Obama when........"

I bet he thinks he fools people.
go check out the forums at grass city. they would suck on ron paul's cock and swallow his old man sperm if they got the chance.

they really do worship him as if he were the messiah, or the chosen one.

a lot of that sentiment seems to make it our way. the ron paul worship.


Well-Known Member
That has to do with Federal contractors. You were talking about State workers. Fail.

Again, you seem to think that as President, Obama can issue an executive order dictating how State Governors deal with State issues. You are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Executive Orders (EOs) are legally binding orders given by the President, acting as the head of the Executive Branch, to Federal Administrative Agencies.

Get it?


New Member
Ok maybe your right about the unions and dictatorships it appears I was wrong about this specific executive order, perhaps I will soon scratch this from my long extensive list of reasons not to vote for obama.


Well-Known Member
Cool, and don't take me entirely wrong. I am with you on some of this stuff. Not a fan of the Patriot Act. I support unions. I think that the Banks have way too much power but that is simply one of the downsides of Capitalism that we live with. Our system is by no means perfect but it is still pretty good in comparison to other systems around the world.

It's never going to be perfect and as I said earlier, if you can be happy with 50% of the shit that goes down in this country, you are doing pretty well. There are a lot of people to try to please and they all want different things. Even with all the shit I can't stand about this country and how it is run, I feel pretty lucky that my parents fucked here.


New Member
yea I feel the same way, I don't know what I am going to do if the other guy is a anyone but ron paul or gary johnson as neocons and wall street people are the only other options, Im prolly just gunna write in Nader if Ron Paul is just not going to stay in after the primaries lol

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Ill think about voting for Obama when.....

*He holds the bankers like AIG, JP Morgan, & Goldman Sachs accountable - when the ceos are behind bars. When the politicians funded by them are held accountable(Barney Frank etc). Only then will Obama remotely support the illusion that he is against these crooks.

*He stops the TSA, the patriot act, and infringements on our constitutional rights.

*He stops the quazi legal wars.

*He does something about this drug war mess.

*He goes public saying he supports Ron Pauls audit of the FED

*he puts on his "pair of comfortable shoes and marches on that picket line" - stops these neocon dictatorships from getting away with this shit like Union Busting and Dismantling elected officials.

Only then would I consider it, but really I am afraid this wouldn't be enough. Cornell west said it last week "Obama does not stand for the average man" (paraphrasing). Obama's entire staff is composed of Wall Street. Obama DOES NOT and WILL NOT stand for the common man. Obama is a liar and a criminal and should be impeached.
So instead you'll vote for a republican who won't do any of those things? How is that better?

And no, you won't be voting for Ron Paul because he isn't going to be on the ballot.