Illegal Dispensaries a Vexing Question as Canada Explores Recreational Marijuana

Hummm only 1 min in and I already do not like that news chick. A lot wrong with her reporting.
First off she is just running in and rousting people ALEX JONES style only she is not ALEX JONES.
When he does it he goes in armed, she is not taking into account the injunction, she is not looking into the fact that CC's have been here before MMAR or MMPR etc etc...

Then she try's to ask the girl who is clearly an immigrant and can barley speak English fully knowing she will get a bunk answer for her cameras.

Also the other reporter out in the streets with a bag of weed saying look what I bought, unless she is medical she just broke the current laws based on her on accord, I say she should be fired for buy drugs on TV???

Anyways what a "Big News" story "Breaking Story" SMH she is making such a big deal about shops selling pot to adults, but what she fails to realize is that any day it will be legal(probably is already defacto) and adults can then use pot to their hearts content. I say welcome to the future honey, if you do not like pot smokers go crawl back under your rock and do not come back out ever.

I am at the point were I feel like suing anyone who slanders "PotHeads" the same way the LGBT community does when people say rude things towards their community.
This is so played out, using pot to sell news. Anyways get used to it people Cannabis is here to stay.