Illegal Immigrant Bought Baby for $80 in Guatemala to Get Priority Release in US

I think that the current Democratic policy encouraging open borders and unlimited illegal immigration is very harmful, and promotes human and sex trafficking, puts children and individuals in very dangerous situations, and more
If real Democratic policies actually promoted sex trafficking, trump would be in favor and tweet his support because trump fucks kids.
How fucking long ago was Clinton the President, Fat Ass? You sure are a poor troll.
Carter - ran constant budget surpluses and paid down the national debt.

Reagan - raised the debt ceiling more than any other president (18 times). Ran constant budget deficits and left the nation 10 times deeper in debt teetering on the brink of financial collapse.

Bush Sr. - Continued Reagan's policies and crashed the economy.

Clinton - Ran constant budget surpluses and resurrected the economy.

Bush Jr - started two wars, deregulated everything, completely gutted the economy worse than in 80 years.

Obama - resurrected the economy, passed health care reform.

Trump - started trade wars, hurled tariffs around with impunity, praises dictators, and is destroying the economy and has laid waste to farmers, the rule of law and the credibility of the United States.

See a pattern here?

Out of all those douche bag Presidents you listed everyone except Jimmy Carter is an egotistical douchebag and has no interest in doing anything but protecting their own interests and those of their friends.

Not endorsing Jimmy Carter, he was misguided, but at least he's a decent human being who wanted to decriminalize pot way back in the 70s.
Migration will be driven by climate crisis and accompanying sea level rise for the foreseeable future. Flooding of vast croplands and groundwater going brackish. On a scale not yet seen by anyone alive. Our children and their children will have to deal with our denials and delays and conspiracies. Conservatives in the US are endangering the planet’s ability to sustain civilization as we know it.
I think that the current Democratic policy encouraging open borders and unlimited illegal immigration is very harmful, and promotes human and sex trafficking, puts children and individuals in very dangerous situations, and more
I was not expecting this response. I mean we have enough human trafficking within our borders anyway, don’t know how many of say Epstein’s girls were from Mexico, seemed like he preferred the catholic school girl uniform. Do you have any numbers of estimated child sex slaves coming across the boarder? And as somebody pointed out no democrat is declaring support for open boarders. It seems a bit like trying to slap a noble goal and a very bad idea.
Lol, what? Actually it will be liberals at the coast who will suffer more.

Incorrect as usual.

They're already building artificial reefs, sea walls and more to offset the issues. Others not in that sort of position simply buy a place somewhere else.

It will be the poor, uneducated rednecks that have bought all the GOP's bullshit for years who are living in what will become wastelands that have no money, no resources and no way to move that will wind up suffering and dying.

Some already are.
Incorrect as usual.

They're already building artificial reefs, sea walls and more to offset the issues. Others not in that sort of position simply buy a place somewhere else.

It will be the poor, uneducated rednecks that have bought all the GOP's bullshit for years who are living in what will become wastelands that have no money, no resources and no way to move that will wind up suffering and dying.

Some already are.
It is just mother nature culling the herd
Strange how immigrants, especially from poor countries can't wait to come and get treated badly here. It must be awful. Remember when the Jews were flooding into Germany from around the world to get put into concentration camps in WW2?
You don’t remember shit. You’re not a Jew. They don’t keep whining publicly like you. You’re damned sure no Indian and you don’t live where you say you do, asshead.