Illegal pot shops pose real threat to consumers


Well-Known Member
You might get some info from Karmik

There’s a good reason why this is false: Fentanyl has a really low combustion point.

“You literally can’t smoke it directly,” says Eliza Wheeler of the Harm Reduction Coalition. “When people smoke fentanyl, which many people do, you have to smoke it on foil. You cannot put a flame directly to the drug. If you sprinkle it on a bud it destroys the actual drug by burning it. It’s not even actually possible to get high from smoking it that way.”
I found an article that references the quote you posted:

Does anyone here know if this is actually true?

Further, if this is true for fentanyl is this also true for carfentanil ?


Well-Known Member
Let's put this into perspective....our beloved HC is the entity that approved all these and more money is what is fuelling we have less harmful cannabis, approved by the same entity, and it's not going according to is being diverted to the did this happen....people have been abusing drugs for a long time...did anyone really think that fentanyl and carfentanyl wouldn't be?...I took was great for pain but the side effects made me feel like shit....and here I thought the goal of getting high was to feel good....hmmmmm....maybe they should be looking at ways of making these drugs safer instead of bastardizing cannabis, which hasn't killed a fucking soul.
...why is a business news program talking about health $tuff?....just sayin'...