Illegal state, cops enter home for gas leak, I'm out of state

No it’s crazy she thinks because she’s middle aged and white that she can’t be locked up for growing weed. Maybe the best word to use maybe would’ve used SAD. It’s sad that we live in a world were white people know that privilege exists but will act like it doesn’t but in turn make statements like she made. But I’m probably just upset that she was so blunt about it lol
She probably a Trump supporter.
I don't think I can't be locked up, just that it HELPED my chances, just like it being Christmas Eve probably helped my chances, as did the reason they were in my house. It also probably helped that my "Black Lives Matter" protest sign was upstairs instead of in the living room, and it probably hurt a bit that I have so much queer pride shit lying around. IMO being blunt about privilege is better than pretending it doesn't exist.

I grew up watching my brother get away with things like shoving a police officer, having multiple ounces of weed on him in high school, and other nonsense that a poor black kid would go to jail for; it is fucked up, and I do what I can to change it (mostly attending protests and donating money to BIPoC), but I'm not gonna pretend my skin color and access to money doesn't influence how I get treated by law enforcement.

I am sorry I made you upset though; I was trying to help manage my anxiety by listing the things I had going for me, not waving my privilege in anyone's face.
Then again, looks like I jumped to a conclusion
Would of explained allot in regard to the white lady comment, but seeing as the OP has Liberal views she wouldn't be a cock sucking Trump supporter. Just a Lady who knows her privilege is real. Refreshing.
Your right bub killary was so much less racist . get a grip dude. Walk your dumb ass down a street full of minorities and see what happens to you. Not just white people are racist . you would know that if you wasn't in the burbs talking about white privilege.
Your right bub killary was so much less racist . get a grip dude. Walk your dumb ass down a street full of minorities and see what happens to you. Not just white people are racist . you would know that if you wasn't in the burbs talking about white privilege.
U didnt mention Obama...
Well the only part of cultivating cannabis thats actually illegal is the THC. So provided the strain has no THC then you are OK. Federally the limit is 0.4% THC. Kansas has stricter rules and they allow 0%, so no trace of THC. Not sure what state you are in.

I knew a buddy that was popped with 3 pounds of bud in his trunk but it was garbage. The charges were dropped after his attorney asked for the THC% numbers and they tested it and found it wasn't above 0.4% (it was ditch weed he had picked).

I got 5 years suspended sentence (probation for the full 5 years) with 30 days in the hole for selling 1 oz of ditch weed with 0%< THC in the 60's. Didn't matter back then if it contained aspirin, you still got charged. Old days were not that good on occasion.
Just got home, nothing is disturbed. Cut my half grown plant down ;_; god she smelled good.

Any suggestions for getting rid of the plant remains? I'm stuck between wanting to just throw them out but worried about the smell + garbage searches are legal. Typically I just put the remains down the garbage disposal but I have too much and it's too fresh for that. Could put it in with the compost, or let it dry some so it'll go down the disposal, but that keeps it on site for longer.

One nice thing about my city is that possession of pretty much any amount of flower is not prosecuted, so once I get the roots and stem gone I'm golden (I think).
Put it in your ex-wife's trash with her business card? But seriously, if you have any woods close by, just toss it.
Would of explained allot in regard to the white lady comment, but seeing as the OP has Liberal views she wouldn't be a cock sucking Trump supporter. Just a Lady who knows her privilege is real. Refreshing.
hey now, let's not insult cock suckers like that, we perform a pretty vital service
Your right bub killary was so much less racist . get a grip dude. Walk your dumb ass down a street full of minorities and see what happens to you. Not just white people are racist . you would know that if you wasn't in the burbs talking about white privilege.
Hillary is a centrist PoS. Obama was a war criminal. Trump is worse than both, as was Bush. We don't have a whole lot of choice in this country between a far right party and a center right party. That said, the city I live in is ~40% white, I walk down streets that are full of minorities all the time, and you know what happens? People say hi. So GTFO with this race war bullshit.
I agree there is racist in every race there is and for being a trump supporter that has nothing to do with anything I know black people that voted for trump I didn't vote because none of the people running should be in the White House but what I seen around here and for the trouble I been into back in the day if nothing was taken you should be ok I think but I dont know your cops around there I know here if they see something they will take a little bit for the right to get a search warrant... I hope it all works out for ya good luck
I think it really depends whether the cop was local, or state. From what I've read/seen on the news state troopers in legalized states ignore anything that isn't breaking the state laws. If it was a local cop, and weed is decriminalized locally, he/she probably ignored it.
Most of the cops I know didn't care about personal possession or grows before legalization here, they just cared about the big operations.
Got a call last night that there was a gas leak in my home and the gas company was going to call a locksmith + enter with a cop. Nothing I could do as I was over two hours away. They went in and did some work to fix the leak in my basement... about 30 feet from my two grow tents, near a table covered in hydro nutrients, and worst of all... A freshly plant (everything clipped off).

Has anyone had this happen? How screwed do you think I am if I haven't been contacted by the cops or anything yet? FWIW I live in a liberal city with decriminalized weed, and I'm growing a single plant (well, one harvested, one flowering).
Sounds to me like they knew about you and knew what you had and wanted to steal it
Sounds to me like they knew about you and knew what you had and wanted to steal it
Did you read the rest of the thread? Nothing was stolen, not even the $1200 that was lying out on my dining room table, that they must have walked by (casino trip). And the gas company tore up my sidewalk to fix the leak
They prolly won't be back, but ... I would find an atty that specializes in defending MMJ cases and spend a C Note and talk to him/her for a half hour.
They know the way the jurisdictions in their area act.
And you'll get much better advice than you will here.

But, IF you get popped ...
Identify yourself honestly.
Do what they tell you to do.
Explain that they do not have your permission to search, and never did ... even if they have a search warrant. Say it frequently in front of many witnesses.
Ask if you are under arrest ... if not, ask if you can leave.
Explain that you will not be answering any questions -- then don't.

If the questions (and you'll get them anyway) happen keep saying, over and over ... 'I am going to exercise my fifth amendment rights and not answer questions.' At some point someone will ask you if you want an attorney. What I said was, "I don't think I need an attorney, I didn't do anything wrong. Do you think I should have an attorney? Am I under arrest? Can I go now?"

I was at a collective in N. Cali delivering about 400 clones ... yea.
Standing out in the parking lot when the cop opened up that truck .... gasp. LoL.

The only exception I made to my no talking rule was when he said, "This is too much for personal use." I replied, "That's why I'm here ... at a collective ... isn't this where I'm supposed to take excess meds?" He didn't like that.

"I'm going to confiscate these as contraband. Unload your truck and put them up against the building there."
"Fuck no. I'm not unloading this truck. If you're going to rip me off, YOU unload it."

There was a bunch of Explorer Police kids there, I call them Youth Nazi's.
They unloaded it.

They confiscated my babies, and let me go after about two hours of trying to get me to answer questions.