
can a human being be illegal?

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  • yes

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Usually people spending absurd amounts of time complaining about "illegals".....are pretty sad individuals who never actually do anything to fix there own personal problems .......most the time there upset about jobs being stolen,,yet they've been sitting on there ass unemployed for 10 years without ever turning in one resume has nothing to with the person being illegal IMO has more to do with these so called illegals having a great work ethic and actually having successful lives the lazy people complaining can only grasp on to them being illegal ......solely out of jealousy alone ....simply because there lazy asses and can't stand seeing another person being full of energy working hard and having all the things they don't ......or there just racist and pitiful human beings ...........pretty sad indeed either way ...IMO

the trail of tears was the result of jealousy and laziness?
One of my battle buddies, a courageous and fucking bad ass airborne infantry veteran, had been an "illegal alien" when he enlisted. He wasn't aware that he still had to go through the hoops to gain citizenship and thought he had it automatically upon his honorable discharge. When he was apprehended by ICE, he begged to be given a chance to do so, as he'd never been south of the border since before his second birthday. He didn't even speak Spanish.

This warrior took his own life recently. Surely this will make america great again...

That sounds very strange. Considering, I was in the military for 10 years and worked with many legal immigrants that got their citizenship while they were in service. It's a free service to them.
Also, how the heck would he be able to enlist without a valid birth certificate and/or green card? Not possible. I'm not speaking out of my ass. I know for a fact, you don't make it past bootcamp without a full background check completed.
You can skate by with some hidden medical evidence if you are not receiving a clearance but you can't serve without those two items.
I held a secret clearance and another clearance I can not mention that required an intensive background investigation that included talking to people I grew up with and asking some seriously personal shit.

If he took his life, it wasn't for being deported, he had underlying issues much bigger than deportation.

Mad respect to those who are not native born and serve for this country. To give your life to a place you were not born in and feel any obligation to is a sacrifice that is of a real hero.
That sounds very strange. Considering, I was in the military for 10 years and worked with many legal immigrants that got their citizenship while they were in service. It's a free service to them.
Also, how the heck would he be able to enlist without a valid birth certificate and/or green card? Not possible. I'm not speaking out of my ass. I know for a fact, you don't make it past bootcamp without a full background check completed.
You can skate by with some hidden medical evidence if you are not receiving a clearance but you can't serve without those two items.
I held a secret clearance and another clearance I can not mention that required an intensive background investigation that included talking to people I grew up with and asking some seriously personal shit.

If he took his life, it wasn't for being deported, he had underlying issues much bigger than deportation.

Mad respect to those who are not native born and serve for this country. To give your life to a place you were not born in and feel any obligation to is a sacrifice that is of a real hero.

Illegal immigrants murdered my wife's cousin. She was missing for over 2 years before just her skeleton was found. They had to identify her from her dental records. Fuck illegals.

Nazi Sovcit types murdered my friend. He was black and not found for two years. They had to identify him from dental records. Fuck Trump voters. In fact, MURDER all Trump voters.
Growing a plant hurts no one and people should come and go as the economy allows.
Then why did you vote for a Nazi? His AG wants you do do life without parole for a roach. How fuckin' stupid do you have to be? I guess you have to be you. Kill your family, then yourself.
Then why did you vote for a Nazi? His AG wants you do do life without parole for a roach. How fuckin' stupid do you have to be? I guess you have to be you. Kill your family, then yourself.

Have the marijuana laws gotten worse since Trump became President?