Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Anyone making the excuse of more applicants since August. The December report is out and they definitely had a slow down for approvals in November. 1126 applications approved in November '18. Over 1000 less.

'18 December 1126
November 2222
October 1811
September 2004
August 2395
July 1608
June 1400
May 2100
April 1700
March 1500
February 1600
January 1500
'17 December 1400
November 1400
October 1150
September 1150
August 1500

Hey MYK, Where do you Access these numbers? I only see like an 18 month old yearly summary for 2017, Please LMK, Thx
You don’t know what’s going on in the office where applications are being reviewed and processed. There could be workers off on maternity leave, workers on FSLA or myriad of other issues. You can’t just replace those workers, even with temps as that violates union contracts.

Just remember your need for weed doesn’t quite compare to somebody on maternity leave or FSLA.

They could also be reviewing applications closer for fraud and abuse as well. It does look suspicious when a person has three doctors appointments and suddenly has a qualifying disability. Especially if they didn’t have prior medical documentation. Maybe they are checking to see if the medical doctors signing off are real or still lincensed.

There could be a whole range of issues causing the slow down...
You don’t know what’s going on in the office where applications are being reviewed and processed. There could be workers off on maternity leave, workers on FSLA or myriad of other issues. You can’t just replace those workers, even with temps as that violates union contracts.

Just remember your need for weed doesn’t quite compare to somebody on maternity leave or FSLA.

They could also be reviewing applications closer for fraud and abuse as well. It does look suspicious when a person has three doctors appointments and suddenly has a qualifying disability. Especially if they didn’t have prior medical documentation. Maybe they are checking to see if the medical doctors signing off are real or still lincensed.

There could be a whole range of issues causing the slow down...
Give me a Break....Someone isn't on Maternity leave for YEARS ! This has been going on for years ! YEARS !Go on Down the Road.... Come Back when you Know What your talking about , or not being told what to say.....geeeeeeeessssssh !
You don’t know what’s going on in the office where applications are being reviewed and processed. There could be workers off on maternity leave, workers on FSLA or myriad of other issues. You can’t just replace those workers, even with temps as that violates union contracts.

Just remember your need for weed doesn’t quite compare to somebody on maternity leave or FSLA.

They could also be reviewing applications closer for fraud and abuse as well. It does look suspicious when a person has three doctors appointments and suddenly has a qualifying disability. Especially if they didn’t have prior medical documentation. Maybe they are checking to see if the medical doctors signing off are real or still lincensed.

There could be a whole range of issues causing the slow down...

Before you claimed it was IL employee incompetence.

And yes my need for a medicinal herb that makes me feel normal after infusion (which I've had 2 since applying), and my need to not have 2 migraines per week, and my need to get some sleep because of cervical fusion does trump someone on maternity leave, hire a temp. I'm not just looking to get high, actually I'm looking to avoid getting too high.
Nearly every qualifying condition on the list is worse than having a baby.
Maybe you scammed the system to just get high but some of us actually have debilitating conditions that are helped with cannabis.
Like your goofy ass knows what your talking about...I would ike to see you make me get on down the road...

Give me a Break....Someone isn't on Maternity leave for YEARS ! This has been going on for years ! YEARS !Go on Down the Road.... Come Back when you Know What your talking about , or not being told what to say.....geeeeeeeessssssh !
Before you claimed it was IL employee incompetence.

And yes my need for a medicinal herb that makes me feel normal after infusion (which I've had 2 since applying), and my need to not have 2 migraines per week, and my need to get some sleep because of cervical fusion does trump someone on maternity leave, hire a temp. I'm not just looking to get high, actually I'm looking to avoid getting too high.
Nearly every qualifying condition on the list is worse than having a baby.
Maybe you scammed the system to just get high but some of us actually have debilitating conditions that are helped with cannabis.

I never claimed employee incompetence, nor would I ever as a union man, throw another union member under the bus.
You don’t know what’s going on in the office where applications are being reviewed and processed. There could be workers off on maternity leave, workers on FSLA or myriad of other issues. You can’t just replace those workers, even with temps as that violates union contracts.

Just remember your need for weed doesn’t quite compare to somebody on maternity leave or FSLA.

They could also be reviewing applications closer for fraud and abuse as well. It does look suspicious when a person has three doctors appointments and suddenly has a qualifying disability. Especially if they didn’t have prior medical documentation. Maybe they are checking to see if the medical doctors signing off are real or still lincensed.

There could be a whole range of issues causing the slow down...
if this isn't an idph employee , I don't know what is....your why
I guess your report goes unheeded, I’m still here...
it takes awhile , then you can go get a new id like you been doing. I feel real sorry for you , so lonely you have to mess with sick people , stirring up a mess to get someone to talk to you. I did report you. and namaste , I will ignore you . and I hope others will follow
it takes awhile , then you can go get a new id like you been doing. I feel real sorry for you , so lonely you have to mess with sick people , stirring up a mess to get someone to talk to you. I did report you. and namaste , I will ignore you . and I hope others will follow

You know what sick, is your limp wristed retorts...Since you think I work for the IDPH, I’m just gonna use power and push your application to the bottom, it’s not hard, you provided the date and other info. I’ll I got to do is go into the Public Health Information System and flag all those on your date.
I never claimed employee incompetence, nor would I ever as a union man, throw another union member under the bus.

But you did:

"If you think the process is going to change when the new administration takes effect, then I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you at bargain basement prices. It’s not the administration that dictates the speed of processing, it’s the civil service employees...the administration can say they want faster times, but those civil service employees dictate the speed in reality. Do you think they can just replace those employees, their union says otherwise..."

Where I was talking about a better administration hiring more union workers you claimed the workers are who makes it go slow even with more.

Reality is they seem to fluctuate approvals to keep them at 90 days. It is intentional and probably comes from the boss.
You know what sick, is your limp wristed retorts...Since you think I work for the IDPH, I’m just gonna use power and push your application to the bottom, it’s not hard, you provided the date and other info. I’ll I got to do is go into the Public Health Information System and flag all those on your date.
Good....limp wristed...hmmm so your making derogatory remarks about my sexuality ….your just a real winner….last I will say to you Mam , have a nice day ! can take my app and...well you know where to put it