Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Them inputting the data, twice in two separate systems. The crazy setup they have is a complete joke, whoever set this up has to be some web dev with only wix template experience. LOL

They should be able to approve apps within 24 hours

So the entire "processing" is just data entry?

They must have some sort of review and approval procedures too. I mean, does a doctor look at your medical records to determine if you legitimately qualify? If so, who? Where is the Dr., in the IDPH offices, or are the apps sent out somewhere for review?

Do people ever get turned down?

I still can't help but think that, based on everything I've read here and elsewhere, all apps are just set aside to age for about 75 days before anyone ever looks at them, regardless of how long the actual "processing" takes or how many apps are being received. In other words, the 90-ish day waiting time is looked at as a "rule" by the IDPH rather than a maximum allowable limit.
does a doctor look at your medical records to determine if you legitimately qualify? If so, who? Where is the Dr., in the IDPH offices, or are the apps sent out somewhere for review?

There's no authority in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act for the IDPH to overrule the decision of an applicant's recommending doctor. Neither IDPH nor the state has any doctors to review your application from a medical perspective; there is no "second opinion" on your medical condition. While the IDPH is authorized to refuse a doctor's recommendation if IDPH concludes that there is no "bona fide physician-patient relationship" (to prevent fraud), the IDPH is not authorized to substitute their medical judgment for that of your doctor.
Thanks to JamRock2018 for the link. Here's a little numbers-crunching analysis based on the state's own accounting:

In the first two years of the MCPP accepting applications (from Sept. 2, 2014 to Sept. 7, 2016) the state approved 10,033 applicants. Based on a 40 hour work week, that means the state approved 2.41 applicants per hour on average during the first two years. That's around 24 minutes spent on each app.

In the last year, from Dec. 7, 2017 to Dec. 11, 2018, the state approved 20,966 applications. Again based on a 40 hour work week, that comes to 10.01 apps approved per hour on average during the last year.

So the state is approving roughly 80 applications per day as of Dec. 11, 2018. That means they're spending a total of around 6 minutes on each application.

What does this all mean? One, that the state has seen a four-fold improvement in processing time over the last two years. The simplest explanation for this would seem to be that they added staffing, something that was talked about here in wake of the signing of the OAP on Aug. 28th. And the elimination of the fingerprint requirement may have had something to do with it too.

So - it sucks that there's still a 90 day wait time, but things do seem to be moving along at a better pace than they were earlier in the MCPP.

Happy holidays!
There's no authority in the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act for the IDPH to overrule the decision of an applicant's recommending doctor. Neither IDPH nor the state has any doctors to review your application from a medical perspective; there is no "second opinion" on your medical condition. While the IDPH is authorized to refuse a doctor's recommendation if IDPH concludes that there is no "bona fide physician-patient relationship" (to prevent fraud), the IDPH is not authorized to substitute their medical judgment for that of your doctor.

That makes sense, thanks.

Does anyone ever get turned down?
I still can't help but think that, based on everything I've read here and elsewhere, all apps are just set aside to age for about 75 days before anyone ever looks at them, regardless of how long the actual "processing" takes or how many apps are being received. In other words, the 90-ish day waiting time is looked at as a "rule" by the IDPH rather than a maximum allowable limit.

Why could they do almost 2400 applications in July but not other months until they're caught up and having a 30 day turn around?
It has to be because they want it to be a 90 day wait in spite of the law previously saying 30 days. Work that came in 2 months ago gets worked on this month.

Yes, someone here was just turned down for applying for OAPP issues. When there were background checks people got turned down for that.
Just a heads up to all who will get their cards soon, make sure you allow yourself enough time on your first visit, should take 30-40 minutes! My despencery closes at 7, but doesn’t take new customers after 5:30. I would suggest calling them, if your headed after work, close to closing time. It may speed things up if they know your coming! Good luck everyone, and I’m about to head for my first visit in a few hours!!
Well, it’s official, after not showing anything in informed card is officially IN HAND!!!!

App submitted and charged: 9/20
App approved:12/7
Card mailed to me: 9/14
Card in hand: 9/19

Total wait time: 90 days!!

Good luck everyone, thanks for the kind words, I know the wait sucks, but my hands are still shaking from excitement! Don’t get down, upset too much, frustrated, yes the wait sucks, but it’s so worth it for this moment!! I’ll stay around the thread, because I know some people that are close! Have a great Christmas everyone!!!!

So the entire "processing" is just data entry?

They must have some sort of review and approval procedures too. I mean, does a doctor look at your medical records to determine if you legitimately qualify? If so, who? Where is the Dr., in the IDPH offices, or are the apps sent out somewhere for review?

Do people ever get turned down?

I still can't help but think that, based on everything I've read here and elsewhere, all apps are just set aside to age for about 75 days before anyone ever looks at them, regardless of how long the actual "processing" takes or how many apps are being received. In other words, the 90-ish day waiting time is looked at as a "rule" by the IDPH rather than a maximum allowable limit.

I am assuming, based on my communication to attempt to help their horrible process.
Just got off the phone with them again. Talked to a guy, who asked ten more questions and obviously looked up my info. He told me that they are “processing it at this moment.”

Filed on 10/5 online.
Yes!!! Congrats!!!! Welcome to the 'waiting on the printer' club. Hopefully this one is faster .
Waiting on the printer seemed to be the longest unfortunately. Estimate 10 days from sent to printer based on past results. Or 85-90 days closer to 90.

Congrats everyone that recently got approved and to those that have card in hand. Not sure why I come back here anymore but hopefully I can help others when needed.