Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

:weed:Lol fun fact: my dispensary sells suppositories.

You got that can shove dope up your ass and get high.

If you ever wondered whether or not we are living in the future: wonder no longer

I almost laughed at these too but quickly remembered the people using these are either children or very sick people. Show some frickin compassion... lol
Hello all. Thanks to all the helpful people updating us users on where IL is on Cannabis cards. I feel so hopeless if they are only processing in October.

Submitted application online and paid fee 12/10

Sent email 1/3 to see if it’s been received. They did respond 1/4 confirming they received it and processing applications in the order they receive them. That’s all the info IDPH stated.

Now I wait and wait and wait. I hope this law change to MMPP helps those of us waiting for weeks on end. Trying to stay strong.
:weed:Lol fun fact: my dispensary sells suppositories.

You got that can shove dope up your ass and get high.

If you ever wondered whether or not we are living in the future: wonder no longer

Actually you're not supposed to get high from them. (I'm skeptical and take that to mean you don't get very high.)
I did prescription enema in the day and suppositories at night for a year. I can't say I'd look forward to that again, but it is intriguing, supposed to work good.
Hi Tom thanks for your desire to expose the delays this program has as its odd that a broke state would sit on checks for 90 days that will bring in even more tax dollars after the process is complete. Looking forward to reading the article. Any ideas when it might be in the paper?
This may be for people with medical conditions like seizures who will have limited routes to take medication.
Or those who can't smoke or keep down edibles. Very sick people. The only other route into the system might be injections. I hope I'm never that sick, but given the choice, I'd take the suppository.
So - card came yesterday, and I was at my designated dispensary a half hour later.

I walked out with a variety pack of items. My plan is to try various strains and eventually narrow things down to a couple of things that work best for my needs.

So I got 1 gram each of two different pure indicas (for sleep and relaxation), one pure sativa, one sativa dominant hybrid, and one indica dominant hybrid. I also picked up a few different edibles with different strain characteristics, similar to above.

Since this the 'wait time' thread, this is a little off-topic, but I finally feel like I will be able to actually treat my issues with cannabis, rather than simply using street weed and hoping for the best, but not knowing what I'm actually taking. Like most people here, I have "a guy", but since nothing I got from my guy is regulated in any way, there was no way of knowing what I was really getting. Now that I know, I think I can really start getting some measurable and consistent benefits.

But 95 days was too long to wait. It's criminal (as in, possibly genuinely against the law) that this state takes the health needs of its citizens so casually. I'm really looking forward to Tom Schuba's expose in the Sun-Times, and will be closely watching for the state's reaction to it.

I realize that saying "be patient" doesn't really help, but know that better days are coming. That sense of relief when you finally have your card in hand may not make the wait worthwhile for you, but it will definitely make your day on that day.
For those who have not recieved their card yet, have you heard about when you were approved? I haven’t been able to get through to talk to anyone today or yesterday.
I have been lurking here for a while. This is the best place on the internet to find information about Illinois medical cannabis. I am a disabled vet and I was hoping the wait wouldn't be like this. I have a broken back and used to use pain meds, but I quit hoping this would help. I never imagined the wait.

Application submitted online 12/2
I've been hard on IDPH. January report is there. Would you believe a record (since I made my list back to August 2016) low approved in November, 1126 to a record high approved in December, 2999.
I have been lurking here for a while. This is the best place on the internet to find information about Illinois medical cannabis. I am a disabled vet and I was hoping the wait wouldn't be like this. I have a broken back and used to use pain meds, but I quit hoping this would help. I never imagined the wait.

Application submitted online 12/2

Are you on Facebook? Illinois Medical Cannabis Community. Not on FB, I have no idea other than here, which is kind of dead for IL other than this thread.
a record high approved in December, 2999.

December surge makes sense. The amendments to the medical cannabis statute went into effect in September, which opened access to a lot of new potential patients, which lowered the burdens for potential patients, and, which got a lot of publicity. Most people who applied soon after the law went into effect would be December approvals.
December surge makes sense. The amendments to the medical cannabis statute went into effect in September, which opened access to a lot of new potential patients, which lowered the burdens for potential patients, and, which got a lot of publicity. Most people who applied soon after the law went into effect would be December approvals.

As in applicants in, waiting period, applicants out?
The ability to approve 2999 should've happened at the end of August unless they hired people. And they did it with the holidays and all the people calling.

I'll be amazed if November's application numbers don't drop with the promise of legalization.