Illinois/Wisconsin area growers


Well-Known Member
U damn Feds!!!! First we at least need some medical marijuana laws past in WI/IL. Better Maryjane laws are to come with this new president.


Well-Known Member
what part of hawaii? I lived in hawaii for years mostly in hilo but i did a couple on oahu too. I do like the big island better more laid back and i miss the puna butter:) you should like it here in the summer but i do look back fondly on my days in the islands thats the place ill retire i think. I havent been in like 10 years so im sure lots have changed hell i bet even hilo isnt the same now. hell id bet it has tall (more than 4 floors) buldings now and all that shit.
North Shore, Oahu,,, puna butter? Are you reffering to the sweet sweet necter of the punani? Ever been to Wiamea bay in the winter?

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
U damn Feds!!!! First we at least need some medical marijuana laws past in WI/IL. Better Maryjane laws are to come with this new president.
pot has been technically legal in Madison since the 70's - check out the ordinace here Madison NORML - Madison Wisconsin's Ordinance 23:20

In addition, a couple of months ago, the DA's office issued a statement that the weren't going to procecute personal possesion (under an ounce) cases any more.



Well-Known Member
I'm game for the stoner olympics, get some darts, bag toss... uhm... more bag toss??

Anyone else...?


Well-Known Member
I'm game for the stoner olympics, get some darts, bag toss... uhm... more bag toss??

Anyone else...?
That kinda sounds like something a buncha b.o. smellin hippies would do in the park... Im sorry, thats just my opinion...hahahaha.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
B.O.?? Only Bo I know plays all!! BO JACKSON!! He'll get cha... :fire:

What other "sports" would stoners play?! Both those games only require arm movement... and that prob. builds up the B.O. quick...
If you're a non washing hippie that is.

:eyesmoke: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
B.O.?? Only Bo I know plays all!! BO JACKSON!! He'll get cha... :fire:

What other "sports" would stoners play?! Both those games only require arm movement... and that prob. builds up the B.O. quick...
If you're a non washing hippie that is.

:eyesmoke: :bigjoint:
I dont know at the moment...I cant think of any other sports. Generally when Im real high I like to do something chill. I mean some bud makes me wanna move...but when I move, I still want it to be something relaxing. If I think of anything I will be sure to pop it up here.


Well-Known Member
I'll PM some of you about this indoor event with a small growers club I'm apart of.
I don't want to say anymore on this thread and if I don't PM, then you didnt get invited.


Well-Known Member
actually a few of my close friends and i get together every year we get a trophy and everything. hell lats yer i stoped by dominicks to get a cake yoti was to funny having the old lady at the bakery put illinois cannabis cup 07 on the cake she had to ask like 5 times how to spell cannabis lol every one was looking at me and all i could was smile and tell her again. lol. i came in second last year thats the best so far but damnit this year im going for the win.