Illustrate your knowledge!

So honestly, i'd like to hear why people listen to and respect Sarah Palin. How is she more than a figurehead? How is she anything other than a political figure that gave up her responsibilities? Is'nt she currently jeopardizing John McCain's efforts? Honestly.:?


Active Member
I respect Sarah Palin because some day I would like to see her naked. Shes more than just a figurehead, she is a piece of republican meat and the worlds most known MILF.

Palin and McCain are jokes all by themselves, together its amazing anyone still takes them seriously. Its like they were put there as a failsafe incase nobody believed Obama's lies.

Honestly people, when you look at the 'leaders', don't the conspiracy theories that everything is rigged look pretty feasible ?

So honestly, i'd like to hear why people listen to and respect Sarah Palin. How is she more than a figurehead? How is she anything other than a political figure that gave up her responsibilities? Is'nt she currently jeopardizing John McCain's efforts? Honestly.:?


New Member
So honestly, i'd like to hear why people listen to and respect Sarah Palin.
Had you listened to her acceptance speech for the VP nomination, or her most recent speech in Searchlight, Nevada, you would have found an answer to your question. Look them up on Youtube.

With that said, if you believe that individual liberty is the answer to what ails the country, you'll enjoy the speeches. On the other hand, if you believe in turning over our liberty to Marxists, and letting them run every aspect of our lives, you probably won't like the speeches, and will continue to consider Palin an idiot.


New Member
Had you listened to her acceptance speech for the VP nomination, or her most recent speech in Searchlight, Nevada, you would have found an answer to your question. Look them up on Youtube.

With that said, if you believe that individual liberty is the answer to what ails the country, you'll enjoy the speeches. On the other hand, if you believe in turning over our liberty to Marxists, and letting them run every aspect of our lives, you probably won't like the speeches, and will continue to consider Palin an idiot.
Hey, some sweeping generalizations and false dichotomies! Good job!


Well-Known Member
Sarah Palin is a juvenile. Successful because she is charismatic and attractive. She simply preaches whatever the crowd of the day wants to here. Her politics are pure instinct, without intelligent thought. Palin is a con-artist, not a leader. McCain is a fool. A lot of people see right past the facade.


New Member
Anybody notice McCain's flip flop on militarizing the border? Funny what one will do when faced with losing his senate seat...:o


New Member
I saw the juicy parts on Fox and CNN....ehhh. I don't really hate or like Palin...I nothing her. She deserves no more....


Well-Known Member
Another trifling thread about Palin. Say what you will, but she had more experience at the time of the election than Obama and she was running as VP. Obama is by light years the most inexperienced and under accomplished President ever, and only a fool believes that white person with the same resume would ever be elected.

So why keep talking about Palin? Well, because trifling personal attacks are all the Left has in the way of debate and they know it. But, because the left is motivated by emotion rather than logic, it is perfectly acceptable (in fact preferred) to substitute such trifling character assassination for substantive discussion of issues where the Left loses every time.

Oh, and by the way, the title should be "demonstrate your knowledge," not "illustrate your knowledge."


New Member
I have been a fan of pointing out false dicotomies since Bush said 'with us or with the terrorists'. You flatter yourself way too often. Do you masturbate in front of the mirror?
Well, that was fun, and it only took two pages for someone to point out the clumsy title, I'm sure no one else noticed, not even the original poster! Oh wait...

Anyway, I read that 'had I listened to her VP acceptance speech' I would understand why people listen to and respect her. I thought about the underlying logic regarding said statement, and then I didn't think much else for awhile (Palin-syndrome?!). Anyway, this was a stupid thread, I knew no one could explain it...
