Im 2 weeks into flowering and need to tie down plants. how is it done?


Well-Known Member
I have a 1000 watt hps in a 4 ft x 4 ft x 7 ft high indoor tent. Right now my lamp is jerry rigged to its maximum height and its a little over 2 ft from canopy.
So at this point my only option is to tie the tops down so that they dont grow vertically any more.
I have no idea how the hell to do this without breaking them or anything. my 4 skunk #1s are really bulking up for the huge flowers they'll hold and the main stem is getting pretty hefty as well. I'll try posting some pics later on.


Well-Known Member
The first one is the size of my 4 skunk#1s and the second is a picture of the average size of my 4 SAGE x OG KUSH plants. These plants havnt even been in flowering for a week and the stem looks pretty bendable.
But seriously you would think there would be a tutorial on this subject.



Well-Known Member
1000W ?? They look seriously stretched to me (ok, I'm a newbie but man! I got tigther nodes with a 150W HPS)

But back to the topic.

You want to bend the branches (and main cola) Do this slowly. Keep pressure on each branch to let the plant learn where/how it needs to grow.
Put the pressure near where you want the bend to horizontal. A second 'restriction' at the point where you want it to turn back up. This one shouldn't have much pressure (if any) on it. Adjust the second bend as the first accommodates.

Think of it this way. Ever see a tree grow throw a fence? It takes time. But the tree learns how to grow.


Well-Known Member
O.K., so what do you use to tie them down? What do you connect it to? Im not sure what im going to have to buy. Yeah, the sage x ogkush plants are all skinny and whispy and really streached. I veged for 4 wks under 400watt MH and theyve been in flowering for about a week now.


Well-Known Member
Hello anhedonia.
I tied mine down and I reckon it's increased my yield greatly. I cut a hole in the rim of the pot and then attached string (not too thick or thin)to the point where is needs to be bent then pulled it down but not enough to snap the stem. then each day I tightened the string. I now have some "S" shaped plants that look great. It is a bit worrying but have faith they will turn up after a day or so. I even managed to bend one completely over but splinted the stem and she went from strenght to strenght.
Good luck.
All the green growing good luck to you.
From Afro.


Well-Known Member
I do this and it works great.
You will need some twist ties some string and some bricks.
Use the twist ties to make a ring around the stalk of the blant. You dont want it tight though you need to give it room to grow. Tie one end of the string to the ring the other to the brick.
Then just roll the string onto the brick as needed.
However no offense but your plants dont look like they are happy. You should really look at what your doing but it looks like you need a refresher on the basics. As they are they wont even support the weight of any real bud growth. Good luck though.


Well-Known Member
Im sure you have to be mistaken about the picture of the first plant. Here they are again. I have 4 of these plants and not only will these shoots support massive bud weight (as some of the shoots have up to 11 nodes on each one) but the stalk is so strong that I cant even bend it.
The other 4 are again, clones i bought from a club in sacramento, and they are about 5 weeks and are already as tall as the others. They grew very fast. Ive been feeding them Tiger bloom 2-8-6 and open sesame 5-45-19. The stalk gets bigger every day and It Might be a small yeilder but I'll most certainly get high. And being that there are no buds on it, how can you say anything about the potency?



Well-Known Member
However no offense but your plants dont look like they are happy. You should really look at what your doing but it looks like you need a refresher on the basics. As they are they wont even support the weight of any real bud growth. Good luck though.[/quote]

What basics should I refresh up on? What would give you the idea that Im not up to par on growin? I give the plants what they want and I let them do the rest.
I veged those plants in a 2ft by 4 ft closet under 400 watt MH and then Put them under a 1000 watt hps for flowering. If streatching and whispy growth continues shouldnt it be assumed genetics has a part in it? You must have assumed Im not using the right lights or something.


Well-Known Member
However no offense but your plants dont look like they are happy. You should really look at what your doing but it looks like you need a refresher on the basics. As they are they wont even support the weight of any real bud growth. Good luck though.
What basics should I refresh up on? What would give you the idea that Im not up to par on growin? I give the plants what they want and I let them do the rest.
I veged those plants in a 2ft by 4 ft closet under 400 watt MH and then Put them under a 1000 watt hps for flowering. If streatching and whispy growth continues shouldnt it be assumed genetics has a part in it? You must have assumed Im not using the right lights or something.[/quote]

No shot at you, but sure you do give them what they want? They looked stretched and whispy to me. 400W MH an 1000W HPS and that far between nodes? And tied to a bamboo stake to keep them upright?
(makes me feel good about my ghetto 150W HPS grow)

Could be genetics.
Bag seed? But doubt it, if bagseed and was good weed.
If purchased seeds, something went wrong. (though might have gotten bad sees. How many plants? Strain? Mix ratio? )

How close do you keep the lights?
Fans blowing on them? (NOT vent fans)

Outside of the stretch/whispy they look happy.

Keep us posted!! I'm curious.



Well-Known Member
this is another shot of a skunk#1 that dosent have a support. The reason a couple plants are like that is because I was watering them outside and the wind bent them and they have always leaned since. Doesnt matter. Plants will use less energy and growth on stems when there is no wind to stregnthen them.
And the other 2 pictures is of a different sage x ogkush but you can see that during its first weeks of flowering it will obviously get bigger and bulk up to support buds.



Active Member
that first pic you put up was a pretty one and it seems that the plant didn't have to stretch as far up to the light as the rest. my plants have stalks as thick as my thumb just from keeping my hps 1.5 to 2 ft. away from the tops and an oscillating fan blowin on them for stem growth. now i saw in your pic that a box fan was in there. is it getting to all the plants or just the ones in front cause maybe mounting it about two feet off the floor and at an angle will help reach all your plants. lastly i haven't grown the strands that you are but i have helped a couple friends solve their genetics problems(cause they had real whispy stalks that almost look identical to yours) just by remounting their fan and readjusting the lights to the proper levels. hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Dont be silly. You cant fix bad genetics by moving the fan. Only by breeding. You may be able to reduce shitty tendencies but you cant change them. Also more important then "stalk growth" is getting fresh air to the plants. Yes they need some stem to hold the hefty buds (not sure youll have that trouble with this batch) but they use the air around the plants quickly. In an air tight box the air will actually cause a barrier to the fresh co2 you will have kinda a ring of higher o2 around the plants. Thats one of the main reasons for the fan.


Well-Known Member
My fan blows into one of the bottom vent flaps and causes from what I can see a good amount of circulation. It causes my entire tent to fill with recirculating air and it all blows out of a 6inch port that I didnt use.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
something doesnt look right...

they look stretched, they have been reaching out- have you been ignoring them? Lower those lights- wtf on the 1000 watt- you dont need a 1000 watt hps if your using a 400 watt mh... you'd be fine with a 400 watt hps and starting flowering early.

Why are these things so tall and stretched, imagine them shrunk down and they would be prime time to put into flowering.... your gonna have a goofy as harvest man... Tall as plants- imagine when you flower and they spike in verticle growth again, your fucked lol. No tie down in the world will fix that. It seems to me like you should have tied them down when they were smaller, lowered the lights when they were smaller, shit man you should have loved them more. TLC-

Then again I could be wrong, I am a newb after all. But I did enough reading to know something doesnt look right...