Im a Dead man

Did the same when I was in the Peace Corps - I hate mouthy mother fuckers.
Seems like a bad career decision if you hate them...but are required to be near them even for a second of your day...
When I was a ranger sniper,I realized that I didn't even need to be in the same county as individuals I don't like...
Kinda like the internet :-D
I got caught up in something really really fucked up. I witnessed something that the goverment did not want out. It involved a T.I. (targeted individual) (Extremely low frequencys as well as extremely low magnetic frequencies.) I know alot, ALOT about them. I know They can be used to mimic any pyschological sensation conceivable by what i understand to be manipulation of the brains frequencis. They can play your own voice in your own head and slowly hijack your subcouncious by slowly derailing it into a 2 party track so to speak, play sounds in your peripherial hearing feild you swore to god were real(mess with your perception of what going on around you). Im not supposed to know all this because this perticular event happened where it could have, with the amount of witnesses evolved into a lawsuit that the secret technology couldnt affort to have leaked, being a secret technology.

Yes my threads are being watched by the eagle eye of the goverment, as long as i dont say anything as where why, who and such they dont care. Theres alot of info about this shit online. Why do i have to die? They hit me with nuerotoxins. They thought i was a rat type for why would be a complicated thing to explain. I was exposed to arsenic, and turpentine, they rigged be to be a suicide time bomb, damage way to significant to combat. I will be shooting my self very soon now. Im looking to find someone down to help a brother out. i want to die on. Alive. Im on this forum for this reason. Help a brother die with a smile. This is not a scheme. This is very real.

Hey, I remember you from back in the days on AOL's chat rooms, there was an alien abductions chat room, and there was a guy who sounded just like you. He got loose on the ship and started poking out the aliens eyes with his dick. Was that the "really really fucked up" thing? Dont worry man, Im sure eye wash stations dont count as "secret technology".
This dude is one of the reasons a regular crazy individual is never taken serious until he bursts into a packed movie theatre.........hey what was that.........well time to readjust my tin foil helmet the black helicopters are here !
This dude is one of the reasons a regular crazy individual is never taken serious until he bursts into a packed movie theatre.........hey what was that.........well time to readjust my tin foil helmet the black helicopters are here !
If I could,I'd feed him a mg. JUST to be a douche.:-D
Im not usually a douche,but douchyness calls for like means..