I'm a goddamn genius


Well-Known Member
If any of you remember my topic about my dad flushing my two 11 day old plants down the toilet, I've finally figured out a way to be able to grow without my rents knowing.

I'll give the suckers light at night, and during the day when my parents are home, I'll keep them hidden in a dark spot.

Is this fesible?


Well-Known Member
Yeah...till the plant get's about 2 months old....good luck hiding her then. Sounds tough sir...good luck.


Well-Known Member
i just cut my large cola off my only plant. and my whole fuckin house stinks. it stinks before u cut it. good luck. trim when they not home.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the weather here(Maine) is consistently decent enough by the time the plant gets bigger so I can transplant outside. And I've found a decent hiding spot in my room, yes.


Well-Known Member
Is it worth the pain? Just buy what u need 2 smoke and wait til u have your own place 2 grow your own.


New Member
i concur with skip the weed that you do grow if any is gonna be shitty i would assume...when you say night how long would you keep the lights lit..pot needs at least 18-6 for best growth....


Well-Known Member
I won't have my own place for a while though. I'm going off to college in the fall, and will be staying there in a dorm for 4 years.


Active Member
sounds like your setting yourself up for failure homie.i would find a few decent connects or grow mine outside in a tree.