I'm a little concerned about this seedling. It is all bent over and S shaped


I've included some pictures, so that you have a general idea of my set up.
The large bulbs are 42 watt 6500k and the small bulb is a 23 watt or so 2700k.
The temps vary from 85-90 w. humidity at 53 percent.
The only marijuana plant there is the one in the cup. This is my first grow.
It looks as if the plant is all bent over, as if it can't support its own weight...
Idk, maybe I'm being overly nervous about it, but I just wish it would grow up and to the light instead of pushing against the wall...
It sprouted maybe thursday or friday, so about a week old?
It is a shortrider from nirvana.



Well-Known Member
Bury the stem up further and straighten it up. It looks like the root is out of the medium which is why it is growing the way it is...


Alright. I piled dirt around it so that it was somewhat more upright and a lot more of the root and bottom stem was covered..hopefully now it'll stop looking deformed. thanks.


Active Member
lol thats a funny plant send me a pic in about 3 weeks i would love to see how it looks what strain is that


@vallilynn: I have two cups. The inside one has multiple holes in the bottom and is resting on a few marbles inside of the "outside" cup.
@azoo: Yeah...I'm worried it is just going to stay on the ground and never get big. It is a shortrider autoflowering.