I'm a newbie. So please help me. Atleast read this. :/


New Member
I'm from the philipinnes. And this is my first plants. I mean two plants in a pot. :x I dont know what to do. Please help me. :(:-|:| They are both 1month old. The small one is 1week older than the tall one. Suggestions masters please?? IMG_20150829_014914.jpgIMG_20150829_014905.jpg


Well-Known Member
take something and put it straight down in between them to separate the two and transplant one into something else. then refill with dirt into the first pot. roots usually grow more of a down way then an out way so you may not damage them too much if you act soon.


Well-Known Member
take something and put it straight down in between them to separate the two and transplant one into something else. then refill with dirt into the first pot. roots usually grow more of a down way then an out way so you may not damage them too much if you act soon.
like blind freddy, and put a gelatine straight through the roots?o_O

(get a spoon and dig from the sides of the cup):hump:


Well-Known Member
I learned sustainable ag there!
Great place. I'd get a mist bottle and gently pull the two appart. Or! Scrape some skin off the sides of each and tie them together with something. Then they'll bind! But no don't do that.
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New Member
take something and put it straight down in between them to separate the two and transplant one into something else. then refill with dirt into the first pot. roots usually grow more of a down way then an out way so you may not damage them too much if you act soon.
thanks sir. I'll try that. :) How about the size of the pot? Do I need much bigger or it can sustain 1 plant?