I'm a trippin' hippy...

Marihuana por mi by los marijuanos.
Really good song about a guy telling everyone
Hey. I'm a stoner, you don't like it? Well I'm still smoking
Marijuana por miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
While the hippies are on your lawn offer them yard work in exchange for their drugs. Maybe they'll be tripping too hard to fully realize and will accept your offer to have them clean your yard in exchange for you to take their drugs lol
You can never go wrong with the dead lol lately I've been jammin Aaron kamm and the one drops id post a video but I'm technologically illiterate lol

first time dropping L I completely understood what a hippie was .... it was like I went back in time to the 60's or 70's and just wanted to spread peace and love .... two fingers up lol....... and going back in time to those decades was intresting since I was born in the early 80's lol........ gotta love it