I'm about to kill plants because this

Bax, what's your living situation? Are you in a house? Apartment? Duplex? How close is your closest neighbor?
I've been in rooms with almost a 100 plants, with the lights out and never had anything like what you described.
What other drugs do you do, if any?
So many questions...???

house , they are too close , no other drugs ,
forget that attack theory , I was just worried if I got high for first time and I freaked out , but afte
you can see each terpenes and their effects at this graphic :


forget that attack theory , I was just worried if I got high for first time and I freaked out , but after all of this we can't ignore this graphic and related study has done about tepenes and their studied effects .
this was a strange thing to read also strange why he cant just put carbon filter and extract the smells out the window
Its strange because hes on meth.
I know he claims hes "not doing any other drugs" but that's also what every tweaker ever has said.
Dude is 'noid. This whole thing reads like "things tweakers say for 500" Alex, what is "the plants are out to get me at night"
forget that attack theory , I was just worried if I got high for first time and I freaked out , but afte

forget that attack theory , I was just worried if I got high for first time and I freaked out , but after all of this we can't ignore this graphic and related study has done about tepenes and their studied effects .
Every effect I see on that chart says benefits not negative aspects man. I think you might want to listen to these guys and get your house checked if that stuffs seriously happening and this isn’t a delusion. Either way probably wouldn’t hurt to have the house checked put your minds at ease.
Seriously tho .... Marijuana CAN and DOES trigger allergic reactions in some people just as ragweed exposure and other species . It is not far fetched that you or others may experience symptoms just by being around it ... Some will break out in hive like bumps from just touching a plant. Anaphylaxis is a real thing .

Maybe you have some latent sensitivity to certain things that may not be aware of.

So shit canning your plants might be the right thing ... The LAST thing you need is dragging on a joint and your fucking throat clamps shut.

Stick with hard liquor...
this night plant just stopped smelling , I worried and checked plants to see if they die or alive , they are good , they turned from such strong smell to no smell at all , it's strange , I miss that smell
This is just the calm before the storm.
Wait until you trim the final product.

I found this plant just release it's power of smell sometimes and some nights (at least in veg I did not see flowering plant at all) , but not every night , past week was really smelly , but it's two night I can't smell anything even when I smack my nose to it , what cause this ?
I found this plant just release it's power of smell sometimes and some nights (at least in veg I did not see flowering plant at all) , but not every night , past week was really smelly , but it's two night I can't smell anything even when I smack my nose to it , what cause this ?
Possible terps that are super volatile.
Temp goes up they start degrading into the air. Some as low as 60 degrees I have read.

Honestly though I couldn't tell you.
Just opinions.

Maybe you have fans that are off and on at different times.

Naturally at night the temp will be lower, i assume anyway.
The plants are always developing so there should be newly develoved terps in abundance. When the temp hits they degrade into the air.

But, again
I have no idea whats really happening
this night plant just stopped smelling , I worried and checked plants to see if they die or alive , they are good , they turned from such strong smell to no smell at all , it's strange , I miss that smell

. . . That's how they trick you! (don't be fooled!) I'm pretty sure they're planning something?
On a serious note though,
I get hay fever at certain times of the year.
Cats do it to me too.
Strange thing is, I have had plants give my nose a bit of a tingle, when in their vicinity for long periods.
More in a way that the smell was a bit offensive, and made me feel like sneezing.
It's only ever happened around ripe plants too.
No itchy eyes, running nose, sneezing etc either. Just constantly felt like I was about to sneeze.
Strange. But happened none the less.

But getting high from the smell, or from being around them. I have say I'm extremely doubtful.
