Im about to smoke my crystals

meechz 024

Active Member
i have a cup of crystals that fell off my nuggs, and I'm about to smoke a big bowl of em', but am not sure if I should.

Do you prefer a bowl of crystals or sprinkled on top of your bud?

It smells too good when the crystals all mold together. I think I'm going to smoke this.


Active Member
This is a cup o'crystals if i may say so myself IMG_0312.jpg Cup look familiar? It was still damp when i put the kief in there,hope its ok. LMFAO!! (for those not up to speed,they are urine test cups) wompwompwomp.

meechz 024

Active Member
i just smoked the crystal bowl.....oh she just kept burning, my lungs took it all in though. Spicy. I'm about to pack a fresh bowl of bud now