Im all kinds of fuckd up

Sorry - what act? Are you calling that post racist?

I am genuinely not aware of what you are talking about. Not taking the piss.
No not at all. I normally don’t use that word much except when it’s truly obvious. I guess I’m just getting sick of people automatically flipping out throwing out shit like fucking hater which a lot of time is code for racist. We played with him and in fact I even called him a good sport . But of course a few had to label those who did one. But it’s my belief this kids an act so I m laughing at the irony of those who jumped to his defense so quickly over so little
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I must be honest- I struggle to understand his posts. Could very well be my ignorance - is it a form of text language?
So who stereotypen errbdy else on ths post yall actn like its act lmfao ths shit funny af whts fake bout me bro u can ask me nethng bro i jus got my job 2yrs ago ths my 3rd flower so plz tell me wht i did b4 tht since u kno ima silver spooner
you're a youngster - I am 51!!!

When you get to my age, you'll start having wet farts and dry dreams.
Idk y errbdy on hrr actn like ppl gota pretend bout life or its act who thy r whn fr it dnt matter who thefuck is who idk none yall niccas all yall had to do was answer my fuckn question n help a mafucka out but no errbdy wan get on hrr politicn bout who who n wer ppl from n wht thy do whn we all jus getn money some of us more thn others but thts besides the point :D how u change ur name on hrr im jus gon change my shit to money man, hater proof idk sumthn to get sum panties ina bunch lmmfao