Im all kinds of fuckd up

So first you say you didnt, now you say you do. Pick a side and stick with it.

No - I am not his lord or defender at ll - if you'd take the time to take your head out of your own arse and read what I said, you'd see I was saying I could not understand what he is saying - how can I defend someone when I don't know what they are saying.

As for your last comment - you do know you're trolling, right? You're clearly trying to stroke your own ego here. Go take a piece of your own advise.

What is is with stupid people today???
Boys will be boys. Don't worry. I've sucked my own dick enough today. I'll cut this thread some slack.
They don't even really give a shit about anything they're saying, just out to cause conflict anywhere they exist.


Look at this fucking cheese dick.
They don't even really give a shit about anything they're saying, just out to cause conflict anywhere they exist.


Look at this fucking cheese dick.

Oh no - he is calling me names - I'll never recover from it. He's swearing too - that must mean he's really intelligent, right?

Get a life, Mr keyboard warrior. You scare or intimate NOBODY here, least of all me. Its not our fault you feel total disappointment when you put your hand in your pants - deal with it!!!
Must have hurt his feelings...

He reported me... LOL!
LOL - if you are referring to me - I have no need to report you at all - you're easy to deal with on my own. Maybe others feel more strongly about a dickhead like you - maybe others are sick of your shit. Sounds very plausible to me. Or maybe its just bullshit to try and get people onside with you.

It does though sound like you're trying to stroke your own ego again. Just remember - keep your hands out of your pants so that you can keep up the facade of being in full control.
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How have I not been reported. I basically started all this. Throwing me Aussie shade everywhere. This is how we treat the boys over here. If I feed you shit, it means I'm popping a red rocket your way.

OP @OH10614 handled it like a champ. Straight trooper. I hope he didn't get too bruised.
Bless him - he had a bad day the other day - went to the docs to see if there was anything he can do about his minute member - he stripped off and waited for the doc, who duly arrived and say "So miss - what can we do for you".