I'm an Idoit!!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously tho man, if that bulb explodes, they actually explode! I cant find the pic on Google but its in Jorge Cervantes' Indoor Outdoor Grow Bible in the Lighting section, its a HPS bulb that had a drop of water touch it...it basically destroyed the area it was in, bits of it all over the place and the area burnt out. It was scary like.

(The arc tube burns around 400f)
I know it's called thermal compression, when molecules are very hot they spread out and move much faster than normal, when some cold and dense material hits those molecules all at once they contract very quickly and cause an implosion. It's the same principle when you jump out of a spaceship without a space suit on, your warm body hits near absolute zero and your blood, organs and fluids expand and travel out all orifices instantaneously in a truly gory explosion. The bulb has been running fine for two days now, thanks for the concerns.


Active Member
i dont think any amount of wipeing with any liquid will help. have you tried a razor blade? it should slice the plastics off but wont do anything to the glass.