Im assembling a decent size set up and im lost

hi, im an outdoor grower, I recently purchased a nice sized home and i would like to take my farm indoors. ive read jorge cervantes, hans, ive seen all the videos they have made, ive done a lot of reading to try and educate myself as best as possible to indoor growing and to try and avoid simple questions i read about, here is why i need a friendly gifted grower :)

1. i need a one pound harvest every week, or two pounds every two weeks, or four pounds a month, basically any way to achieve a pound a week even if i have to grow a 10 lb harvest and put them in airtight containers and ration them out for 10 weeks

2. i have an entire basement, so i have enough room for many different methods, and i cant decide which method is the most efficient to achieve one pound a week.

3. ive read over and over again it all depends on the growing conditions, lighting, all of that. but, im trying to really avoid HID and HPS because of the insane amount of heat and power use that would be caused by this size grow.

4. i really could use any help, ive read about how i will have to tweak my grow to acheive my optimum conditions, but i really have no idea where to start in regards to what method and how many plants in that method.

im a carpenter, and i have experience in electrical work, outdoor growing, and indoor home repairs, so any ideas on a more "hands on approach" are also greatly appreciated.

the best i could come up with was doing a sog, using fluros, and in each two week section having 64 plants, (the only information ive found on yield was in a jorge cervantes grow journal in the back of his book that stated a couple who had 1/2 oz dried per plant yield using sog with no veg) so 64 plants each two week harvest would be 2 lbs every two weeks. i have no idea how accurate that would be with my grow, but if this is a good option, what would my ebb/flow set up have to be

thanks again


Well-Known Member
To properly yield a pound a week and not kill yourself rotating and moving plants you really need to use HID lighting as theres just no good way to grow poundage under floros. I'm not saying floros are bunk just that large scale growers use HIDs for a reason. SOG requires a lot of work I would grow fewer plants a little bigger and yeild more per plant. This reduces the number of plants you have in case of a bust and reduces your daily work load. I've seen large grows conducted drip hydroponic setup and one in a DWC setup and both produced monsterplants with huge yeilds. Good luck


Well-Known Member
No way you can get pounds from floros! you have to go with HID. But since you have a basement you will have enough room to make it happen. How large is your basement ?


Well-Known Member
im no expert, but i think you could do it with t5's. if you line the basement ceiling with them, and change the bulbs for flower/vegging, it might work. Theres only one way to find out.


Well-Known Member
Trying to avoid hid's and grow pounds is like trying to push your car uphill.

It doesn't matter if you use 5000w of cfl or regular flouro's or 5000w of hid's the heat is really pretty similar, but you actually get less lumens (a shitload less) with cfl's or flouro's when you are talking this many and would end up buring twice or more the amount of electicity trying to do what you are trying to do.

Do you realize the power you are talking about running to get that kind of weight? You better never be late on your electric bill, and not have been late in the last 6mo or a year depending on how they work it. Those peoples bills are looked at by humans eyes and you will be off the charts for residential use. There will be absolutely no question what you are doing and your electric panel may not even support it.

Just so you know..


Well-Known Member
you have a lot of work ahead of you
been prepping the past three months for my (now at 30k) indoor op
not going to go into detail about my op to much its a hybrid of both Al B. Fuct and Stinkbud methods with my personal twist on it
these are your best methods out there right now to start a perpetual harvest
you can combine systems and fine tune the to your quantities (home work needed)
good luck and keep us posted