I'm bored, lets show off buds...


Well-Known Member
I love the sativa high.....................
me too man... smoking a sativa I grew 2 years ago..still pretty damn good... I got 3 mexi sativa seeds from my moms dirt bud stash that was over 10 years old... I had to literally crack the seeds open myself because they were sealed shut from age... they seem to have living plant matter within them and I got them in soil so hopefully it works out...

its hard to find pure sativas nowadays... the only legit way seems to be to find it out of mexi schwag bud or out of some rare ass columbian or thai weed or going there yuorself to find seeds...

trusting seed sites that they have pure sativas seems insane to me... they have no legislation forcing them to be truthful..so why wouldl they be if money is involved...


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the seeds.........hope the grow............you may have a chance who knowss..........keep us informed


Well-Known Member
Well my nice cam is mia atm. SO here is some crap phone pics of my finished BW's
Shit smells so so strong this time...



Well-Known Member
Harvesting my Devils today.
A buddy called me, he could smell the girls from outside :/ My filter cant keep up? Only 2.Grow.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this figures. i come across a thread just begging me to post my new bud porn and i can't because my cat trashed my laptop and i can't even turn it on. all my pictures were on there.

so now i get to use IE7 on a machine on which someone set off a shit bomb in the registry.

try to imagine the pics, though. they were beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Picture 022 (Large).jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 028.jpgHarvested a little early but it's just fine anyway. Don't know how I got this color must of been the cool air. Just some plain old bubba.