I'm bringing into the world a new creation. "Raft". float on it.


well I pollinated her on the 25th of august, and as you can see she is coming right along....much faster than I expected.....mmmmmm....man does that pregnant bitch smell good....I love you Raft.....I can't wait to grow out the babies..Raft X Tootie Fruity x Cherry Bomb.....thanks for the extra genes FDD...:peace::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
very nice. i'm very excited about the outdoor one i have. it is just coming in. i think it is the last one.


this shit is exciting..Raft smells so good...I know alot of people don't like seeded weed and they think it totally fucks potency....but this seeded Raft looks pretty damn potent to me...I can't wait to plant the seeds and smoke the bud........this shit has gone from smelling really skunky in the first couple weeks to now smelling like grape candy in week 4...man it smells so good....drooooooling


Well-Known Member
Ibanez Edge III Tremolo Bridge
the new Edge III is similar in construction and feel to the original, popular Ibanez Edge locking trem, however this version also features lower profile fine-tuners inspired by the lo-PRO Edge and massive, new-design saddles.

i don't know what i'm doing. maybe you could help. i've tuned it once in the last 2 months. thing holds forever but once i take a string off i'm fucked. especially if changing from one gauge to another. it floats on 2 pins. the strings pull tension on one side, springs in the body pull tension in the opposite direction. then there is the action screws...................

i checked a seed the other night. very close to done. then they have to dry for a week or 2.
nevr just replace one string, always change the whole set. it obviosly funtion properly or you would br tuning all the time. All tremelos operate on springs, so if you break a string the tension becomes slack and the springs out pull your strings causing it to go out of tune....same with string gauge, tremelos are to sensitve to change gauges all the time, pick your gauge have your local teck intonate it, then rock on. if you like to change gauges then get a hardtail or something with a vintage fender tremelo....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That ain't shit...... BooooooYaaaaaaaa!!!!!

This was last year, the plant yeilded 9 LBS, the plant was 12 feet tall and 12 feet wide and had 6 foot long buds. The stalk was as big around as a 3 liter soda bottle.

ppppfffffsssssttttttt!!!!! that's sooooooo last year. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Fdd you hear that 9 lbs. that aint shit!!! I believe you said yours will get ya at least 1/4 pound, lol. I said funny guy at least 1 1/4. Now I feel like an ass. I'm not gonna guess ne more. I'll say in the middle somewhere 3.5 pounds!!


he did... theres a thread "milking my nuts" all about seeding the raft

search for it... very good read on breeding!


Well-Known Member
i've been smoking outdoor raft all day. unbelievable. the smell is soooo sweet and strong. very uppity high. i could nap or i could go do something. i have a bowl load sitting next to me and it smells incredible. i have a very hard time putting smells into words, i wish i was more eloquent. we need scratch-n-sniff.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Interested... can I see some pics of it all cured up? I'm alergic real to chocolate but I love the flavor of it... sounds tasty.


Well-Known Member
this is the F1. it's a little sativa'y loose. nothing really special looking. it's the smell and flavor that amaze me.





Well-Known Member
Awesome thread, you the man FDD. I really want to create my own strains, as well. It's been a dream of mine since my first grow. I will have a shit load of BB and WW seeds in about 3 months. I need something to cross them with. Would you be interested in trading seeds?:mrgreen: Or do you think BB x WW would be a good strain? It doesn't sound that great to me.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thread, you the man FDD. I really want to create my own strains, as well. It's been a dream of mine since my first grow. I will have a shit load of BB and WW seeds in about 3 months. I need something to cross them with. Would you be interested in trading seeds?:mrgreen: Or do you think BB x WW would be a good strain? It doesn't sound that great to me.
just my two sense but you never know til you find out ya know bro. could be some good shit.

as for your bud fdd amazingly beautiful shit bro, def. some good smoke right there. alright peace:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just remember people that it takes alot of time and skill to do this. Anyone can take two plants and mix them will nilly and make a cross. It takes years and years and years to stabilize certain traits and finally call it a STRAIN and not just a CROSS. Its ok if you want to cross some of your plants to see what you get, but please be careful and keep these seeds to yourself. I dont want my silver pearl having "sock puppet" or something funny like that in it 10 years from now. Leave the breeding to the pro's or at least keep your seeds to yourself. Thank you! And this isnt directed to you fdd, you seem to know something about what you are doing :)

And iblazethatkush there is already a blueberry and widow CROSS out there. I forget what it was called though. Anyone can make a cross, but it takes awhile to make a strain. If it had already been done i would call it Blueberry Cream :)