im clueless about cloning


my cinderella 99 plants are about 3ft tall and 6-7wks old. i tried to take clones the other day but there wasnt much to select from. the branches towards the bottom of the plant were actually pretty long. i understand clones should be 2-3 inches? did i wait too long to try to take clones? are some strains more difficult to take clones from? does it stress the plant to take clones from it? i took about 20 cuttings and only 2 look like they have a future. what am i missing here? thx in advance for any advice.
you arent supposed to take the entire branch for clones, you should just take off 2-3 inches from the very top node of the branch. let it soak lots nd give it plenty of time


Well-Known Member
If you explain how you took the cuttings we can show what you did/didn't do...Cloning a long subject! ;-)


you arent supposed to take the entire branch for clones, you should just take off 2-3 inches from the very top node of the branch. let it soak lots nd give it plenty of time
oooooohhhh. can i take the top node from branches on the high end of the stem or just the bottom of the stem?


Active Member
best thing to do is to get a clean razor cut inbetween the node always leave a node ontop so basically take a cutting which has two nodes slice at a 45 degree angle at the bottom node leaving the one ontop soon as u have cut at a 45 degree angle place it in a cup of water....then gently shave the side of the bottom inch of the cutting and slice it in half so that the bottom end is split say a cm up.....once removed from the water soqak it in ur rooting solution or powder (clones etc)

then gently push it into ur medium (rockwool)

make sure that it is tight in the medium and is standing up

then remove all unnesecary branching apart from the top and cut the leafs in half so that theyu transpire less...

for the first 4 days keep the hunmidity around 90-100%

to sdo this use a propagator if u dnt have one slice a bottle in half and opent he top every now and then..

then after the 4 days remove the propagator and and carry on feeding with just water and a root accelater (like root juice or take root etc)

DO NOT SPRAY THE CLONES WITH WATER DO NOT MIST THEM...although 80% of people do by doing this slows down root growth if u are misting then u are foilar feeding so th erplant does not want to start producing roots in order to look for food.....

u should have rooted cuttings within 10-14 days with this method

daniel cardenas

Active Member
i am one of the 80% and i only cut at 45deg. angle dip into water immedeatly then root hormone powder place into peat pellett pre soaked in ph'd water with super thrive. spray in dome for about 7-10 days you will have roots. i spray with ph'd water super thrive and 1/4 dose schultz 10-15-10 and i have over a 95% success rate. try both methods and let us know i hope this helps.

daniel cardenas

Active Member
cutting should be about 3", cut any large leaves off or make them smaller. kept. well hydrated, not soaked, i spray 3 times a day just a quick spray on the leaves.


Active Member
yes daniel like people say tehre are 100s of diferent methods try both like daniel says and let us kno...