I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Well-Known Member
I-129F is the form to fill out,and be sure when you meet in person that you time stamp the picture taken of you two love birds.

We had 3000 pictures and no time stamp?the Interview lady in USA turned us down for a green card,even we have lived together going on 7 years

The fee is $1100 for the visa
So I time stamp on the photos right?
Thanks for letting me know. I found a place called www.rapidvisa.com out of Colorado springs. It's owned by a Filipino couple that I plan on talking to. I've already spoke with them on the phone and they seemed very sincere and gave me a lot of good advice. Yep and they told me it was $1090 for the visa.

Thank you brother for your help..

@Princess Odanksta2


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be so quick to judge. Especially younger persons.

I mean consider us middle agers. I've divorced twice. Been in umpteen short term relationships. And have enjoyed many other fruit cups along the way.

I've done stupid shit that was just. Stupid. But, I treasure the memories. I've adventured all over the place and tried all kind of bad stuff that wasn't good for me. I had a great time.

Just like all my failures seemed like good ideas at the same time. I've taken on some real projects in life. But. It MIGHT work. Who knows. Live in the moment. It's more fun that way.

Just because us older types, understand through our failures, which the majority of us have; it does not mean that younger people won't succeed in their low probability adventures. And even if they don't, well. Did they create wonderful memories trying?

Man this last girl was perfect to me. So pretty. So much fun. Her voice, no matter how silly was the message just really tickled my senses. Yet, circumstances. Too many. It was clear it would never work.

I could have "made" it sound like it would work. Dragged it along. Knowing. But, I knew. So I didn't. Yet I had a great time. Still may from time to time.

Let the young people do their cray. Like many of us did. Either way. I'm middle aged and single. Happy about it too. Been on a little sabbatical lately. Still living tho. Damn I miss this last one.

It's all good. Don't be so critical. Live and let live.


Well-Known Member
So I time stamp on the photos right?
Thanks for letting me know. I found a place called www.rapidvisa.com out of Colorado springs. It's owned by a Filipino couple that I plan on talking to. I've already spoke with them on the phone and they seemed very sincere and gave me a lot of good advice. Yep and they told me it was $1090 for the visa.

Thank you brother for your help..

@Princess Odanksta2
Well good luck, just don't expect to change her she is against drugs and probably won't like you drinking and doing drugs very much especially if kids come into the mix. Also she is going to want to bring your children to see her family at least once a year and probably more than 2 weeks and not to mention sending money home for her family even though children are expensive on their own but I'm sure she will get a decent job in the US but I make decent money too but I ain't giving any to my family unless there is an emergency because I got to buy clothes, toys, food and all not to mention children's amusement parks are pretty expensive fairs too.

But yeah court her make sure she really is the one you want to spend your life with cause divorce is not an easy thing on anyone once you have children. I love my wife but have thought of divorce just can't do that to my daughter and I ain't going to find another girl as chill as my wife but we actually have a lot in common and she cooks pretty damn good almost as good as me. Lol


Well-Known Member
Thats the part that really bothers me...theres children involved and these two are making stupid decisiions. I WISH I had someone telling me dont do stupid shit.
I honestly don't really think it's stupid. My friend went to the Phillipines and literally had the time of his life. Stayed at a resort for a week and said it cost him about $500. Of course, I don't know what the plane tickets cost. Regardless, it's only money. And it sounds like a great adventure for OD too. Sounds like an adventure for anyone.

As for the relationship. Too early. I mean. I've been in puppy love so many times when I first met a woman. After a minute then reality sets in. A lot of times, it's just like. Well. That was fun. But, it will never work. $1100 for a Visa and more for the pane ticket doesn't sound like a whole lot to me. Compared to the cash I've blown in bars, hobbies, habits, and party favors over the years. Oh. And nice jewelry for exes among other things. I mean, it's only money. If it is spent having fun adventures. It's well spent. 31 a child is not. Soldiers younger than this lose life and limbs fighting for our freedom. PTSD for life. By old school standards, it's kinda getting old and you should have a little something going on in life. Including fun.

Anyway. Don't really want to argue or anything. I'm just saying its a cool little fling for these younger people. A lot of fun could be had. Maybe more? Who knows?

Edit. If he gets married the first time he meets her. I may agree with you. lol. I've done stupid shit tho. I ain't innocent for sure. lol


Well-Known Member
Well good luck, just don't expect to change her she is against drugs and probably won't like you drinking and doing drugs very much especially if kids come into the mix. Also she is going to want to bring your children to see her family at least once a year and probably more than 2 weeks and not to mention sending money home for her family even though children are expensive on their own but I'm sure she will get a decent job in the US but I make decent money too but I ain't giving any to my family unless there is an emergency because I got to buy clothes, toys, food and all not to mention children's amusement parks are pretty expensive fairs too.

But yeah court her make sure she really is the one you want to spend your life with cause divorce is not an easy thing on anyone once you have children. I love my wife but have thought of divorce just can't do that to my daughter and I ain't going to find another girl as chill as my wife but we actually have a lot in common and she cooks pretty damn good almost as good as me. Lol
So we made this deal. She can work if she wants to, but the money she makes she can send home. I got all the bills


Well-Known Member
Thats the part that really bothers me...theres children involved and these two are making stupid decisiions. I WISH I had someone telling me dont do stupid shit.
What do kids have to with anything? We three kids at the house as is. And I dated and lived with sereval girls who had kids.

Her child is staying in the Philippines with her mother until we can figure things out.


Well-Known Member
Kinda rude dia.. So there are sereval members here that have Filipino wives.. Try to tell them that..

Just sayin
Well hey, consider me a true friend with reality views, IM not going to lie to you. What happens if it dont work out, you are stuck with this women and she has no way to get home
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