Im doing it wrong! (less then an OZ a plant yields..) and SOG question

I use AN sensi bloom,big bud, bud candy, budfactor x, bud blood and overdrive. Im thinking an RO machine will help me since my tap water isnt the cleanest, and as for soil i use regular old top soil.

do you REALLY think these are my main issues here? something is stressing my plants, and id really like to get to the bottom of it.

btw, i keep feedings in the 700-1200 PPM range depending on week of course.
You use revular topsoil but you have 100$ + in nutes it doesn't add up man.
Tap water is fine well not everyone's but you do have a oh tester? Leave the water out for a night ph it and u should be fine.

You can easily paint all buckets black even tho I doubt that's the problem but u never know.

Dirty jersey

Active Member
so the fact I'm using so many bloom boosters is a problem? interesting note tell me more about this nitrogen problem I might be having and which booster should I not use and which bloom booster should I use


Well-Known Member
Screw the boosters and go with a better soil I say, But I am a noob myself 1st grow atm for me but what my friend tells me (The guy teaching me his techniques) is that a good living soil that feeds the plant what it needs is what you want and instead of blowing all that money on stuff that looks fancy and might make your plant do more and invest in SUPERSOIL then you put that in the bottom of your pots and transplant into them before flowering so when you flower the plant will reach into the SS and be like ahhh so much nummy stuff here to eat on and make me a phatty. Heard this makes great buds will find out soon not this batch but next one, ones I have now are far beyond that for me this go through I will top cake it with a layer on top instead as soon as I flower. So as side note I might see it still help alot on top, In the end ditch all the fancy stuff and try and stay basic its a plant give it what it wants is all i hear on this forums and K.I.S.S (Keep it simple stupid) So thats how I am going to handle my situation hope my advice helped you some. And get a ph tester or atlest buy the water or use rain water thats a factor too for sure!:wall:
My ppms out of the tap is 386. That real bad?

thats pretty high but check online for your citys water report to see whats in it. If there is a lot of sodium or chloramines those are bad and could be a factor. Im not pro so do a little research on the composition of water and whats good and whats not for your girls. Happy growing! :-P


Well-Known Member
I'm on the soil bandwagon... don't you get crickets and shit from using topsoil? Get some good quality soil for christ sake.