I'm extremely sexually frustrated!!!!


Well-Known Member
My towns population is 900, sweety trust me i know :) lol
The more I learn about you, the more I have a sneaking suspicion I know who you are IRL(based on screen name, your described location ,interests and general demeanor) lol.

Probably not... but maybe.


Pickle Queen
The more I learn about you, the more I have a sneaking suspicion I know who you are IRL(based on screen name, your described location ,interests and general demeanor) lol.

Probably not... but maybe.
Only way u know me is if i know u ;)
hahahaha pm with further details, i dare u ;)


Well-Known Member
The more I read of this the more concerned I get.Why would someone let another person put drugs in their coffee. All the shit he says is happening is way off course. Some one needs to give this whole thread to some one who can help . Im serious.


Well-Known Member
I'm bi-polar, and I'd like to inform you we are all different, and you can't base your knowledge of all bi-polars with a handful of knowledge, that's stereotyping, and not cool. No offense, but this is what's on my mind about that.
I have to say Orithil that that is one of the most troubling avatars I have ever seen,


Well-Known Member
this is just one big ass troll isn't it? I only read the first page and that's all I got from it...


Well-Known Member
It 'could' be trolling, but I'd rather give them the benefit of the doubt just in case; I know I've appreciated it in the past XD

Autobahn? Car... train??

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
It's been a little bit but now I'm sexually frustrated... Ima jus have to rape her in the shower, she's my lady so I can't be in the wrong....


Well-Known Member
It's been a little bit but now I'm sexually frustrated... Ima jus have to rape her in the shower, she's my lady so I can't be in the wrong....
rape is still rape bro...can a mod ban this dude for saying hes going to actually go rape someone...kthnx ;)


Well-Known Member
Take matters into your own hands and get over it!
Your only confusing yourself.
I won't cheat, I'm not getting any,but I need and want it....Boo Hoo :rolleyes:
No one can help you..only you can help yourself.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to cheat on her!!!! She's the love of my life!!!! She's the mother of my child!!!! But we're not going to be able to be together for like 6-12 months I'm assuming...so this really fucking sucks. I don't know if she's having sex, or if she's not. I don't know if she would be upset or hurt if I had sex with another woman!!! This is fucking horrible!!!! And like I said jerking off is ridiculous now...it takes like 20 minutes to cum...it's a fucking joke. I am so frustrated.
Well here is the deal...You can either wait and get to say I loved you so much I waited...or you don't care enough to wait and you just did it...it has nothing to do with what she may or may not be doing...it has to do with whether you choose to cheat or not...